The song of the Thunder of Truth

The song of the Thunder of Truth

**Reconnecting to our primal essence.**


We have strayed from it due to the unconscious enchantment of the luring world of matter, which has a painful side we try in myriad ways to avoid facing. Those who begin to grow “weary” from the endless cycle of pleasant and unpleasant experiences resulting from friction with matter naturally start the journey of returning to their original state—the primordial purity before departing from it. This process is not related to mental perception; it is a deep process of our superconscious psyche that happens spontaneously, depending on our experiences and realizations. Therefore, it cannot be “provoked” by visualization, prayers, or ceremonies, with “sacred acts” of body, speech, and mind, using symbols and human intent. There is no “I will become.” Either you are or you are not. Either you understand or you do not understand. Everything is happening now. It is about simply remaining in the natural state of being. “Sticking” to any “understanding” of higher consciousness is an unnecessary ethereal emanation of our mental perceptuality that contains subtle egoic elements. It is an intelligent way to avoid just “Being” by “existing.”

The following song, drawn from Tibetan Buddhism, is a sparkling gem of “twilight poetry” that bridges the known and the unknown, presenting Truth beyond space, time, and intellect.

 “Twilight poetry”

From the heart of night, devoid of mental constructs,
the first whispers of dawn birth a celestial symphony of words from our pristine nature,
manifesting the quintessence of our Being.
The conceptual mind ceases,
and as the mighty thunder of Truth roars,
the conceptual mind relinquishes its grasp,
permitting a simple and profound “understanding”.
Open your innermost ears to the unspoken voice.

The Song of the Thunder of Truth

Reside in your unborn physical existence, free,
transcending the heights of heaven of your Boundless Mind,
in the serene nature of equanimity.
Perceive all phenomena as the dance of Primordial Wisdom and Great Bliss,
unbound by extremes, constraints, and barriers.
Celebrate the unity of Bliss-Emptiness,
where phenomena and the absence of phenomena merge gracefully.
Plunge into the playfulness of absolute equality,
the supreme pleasure of Ecstatic Union,
inconceivable, self-luminous Primordial Wisdom.
See existence as an illusion, yet primordially pure, unchanging, uncontrived Nature,
an ornament of Pure, Infinite Sphere,
the appearance of the symbolic form of Great Compassion.
Recognize the originally pure Nature beyond intellect,
as the great Primordial Wisdom, naturally and spontaneously accomplished.

In the infinite space of the firmament, unaltered, uncontrived Sphere of Truth,
manifest Clouds – Compassion of unimpeded Great Bliss.
Appearances emerge like raindrops in a magical show,
as ornaments of Primordial Wisdom.
Sunbeams permeate and purify the discursive ripples of attachment.
As the melodic Thunder of Great Bliss echoes,
all obstacles fade into the Unborn Sphere.
As an infinity of dazzling Rainbow beams illuminate
all aggregates, the fields of the senses, and their objects,
they glister with primal purity, fully whole and integral.

Within the immaculate Palace of Great Bliss,
the inconceivably secret multi-dimensional Domain—the uncontrived foundation of all,
reigns the Natural Consciousness, the self-radiant King,
with the primordially unborn Queen.
In the supreme Bliss of their non-separability,
non-duality is realized, and the Sacred Bond is fulfilled.
They hold the treasury of excellent qualities beyond limitations and extremes.
As melodious songs and ecstatic dances fill the infinite space of the Palace,
they officiate in Great Bliss,
performing the visionary dance of the skillful method of Compassion,
distilling the pure essence of the five elements of the “outer” universe,
restoring the vital force, Essence, and Animus of all beings – the “inner” contents (of the Universe),
and they obtain the Wisdom, Strength, and Compassion of the Victorious Ones.
Beyond change, mutation, or dissolution,
they transform into jewels of Immortality,
as a vision of Rainbows arises in the Unborn Firmament,
all appearances, sounds, and thought forms,
become the unimpeded majestic appearance of the Primordial Wisdom.

King and Queen,
my ultimate refuge,
my indestructible Original Nature,
sphere of the Great Quintessence of Pure Light,
unchanging innate divinity, dazzling Rainbow.
The illusory forms of myself and others,
reflect as bodies of your Noble Being.
All sounds are the melody of your Speech.
Memories and thought forms are the waves of your Profound Mind.
To you, I make the ultimate offering of non-egoic inner and outer substances,
an ocean of inexhaustible nectar,
that radiates and penetrates the limits of space,
emerging from non-dual equanimity.
I dedicate all virtues accumulated in the past, present, and future,
to the vast expanse of Inconceivable Truth,
Sphere of Primordial Purity.
With pure perception, non-duality is realized.
Attachment to “ego” is miraculously dissolved,
and the splendid Rainbow Body naturally matures.
The Mind is conceived as immortal and self-originating,
resting in the unimaginable Sphere.
Thus, the intention of Enlightenment is set.

Those who pray with devotion, and receive blessings
clinging to the duality of a higher “entity,”
as separate from themselves,
not recognizing their timeless unity,
will wander endlessly in the cycle of existence.

May dualistic concepts that separate the believer from the object of worship,
be eradicated in the unborn Sphere.
May clouds of compassionate deeds rise.
May the good fortune of the Great Bliss prevail.
May beings who cling to things as though they truly exist,
viewing forms through the filter of discursive duality,
awaken from the confusion of their projections.
May illusions and ignorance, negative forces, and dualistic notions
be purified in the realm of splendid Truth.
May the flame of Transcendental Wisdom burn the belief that everything has a real intrinsic existence.
May the glittering, shimmering rays of Light purify all clinging to illusory projections,
and may all spiritual accomplishments flow per everyone’s deepest wishes.

Hrigaia Project