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Establishing the original blueprint
at all levels.


The Dual Facets of Reality

Reality has two facets: The Ultimate Reality—the state of pure “Being,” and Relative Reality—the imperfect state of existence and the embedded suffering due to the deviation from the puree state of “Being”.

The Path of Liberation

Within our multidimensional makeup lies the potential to liberate ourselves from the limitations and suffering due to our attachment to material existence. We can achieve this with two psycho-physical organs intricately connected to our psyche: “the heart” and “the pineal gland”.

  1. The Heart: Recent research highlights that the heart’s complexity surpasses that of the brain. When awakened, it transcends mere emotionality—even elevated forms of love we mistakenly call “unconditional.” Instead, it becomes a gateway to a higher dimension—equanimous, compassionate, and intuitive—capable of maintaining an exalted state continuously, whether the body is awake or asleep. It is an open heart, not a bleeding heart.
  2. The Pineal Gland: This gland, when decalcified and awakened, reconnects us with our original blueprint, allowing us to perceive reality as it is. Through this, we access the magnificent states of being, that we were in the distant past, rekindling lost supernatural powers and abilities.
    Both of these organs must be in balance between themselves, and with all other aspects of our being.

The Challenge of Modern Existence

Most people lack interest in awakening their inner potential, so as a result, they are devoid of deeper awareness. They are consumed by the busyness of everyday life and unknowingly repeat self-destructive habits and patterns. They often take existence for granted, living on autopilot, until the inevitable arrival of death.

Consequently, this website is intended for those who have embarked on a transformative process, genuinely seeking truth. This journey requires an open heart aligned with authenticity and a mind that is flexible, capable of probing deeply into the essence of existence without clinging to fixed beliefs.

Egoic Spirituality and False Seekers

In our age, many individuals are not really honest with themselves engaging in a superficial pursuit of spiritual growth, lacking genuine introspection, and desire to penetrate the limiting layers of their ego. Their overdeveloped intellect constructs a fictitious “castle” of spiritual concepts, thus, false understanding becomes deeply rooted in their unquestioned belief system. When they gather with others who share similar beliefs, they form a powerful egregor (a collective thought form or energy field). This type of belief system is characterized by deviated intelligence, misguided cleverness in matters of spirituality, and tainted emotionality, with heightened emotions that are not aligned with true spiritual growth.

These individuals may follow misleading New Age paths that appear spiritual on the surface, but in reality, they only serve to feed their spiritual ego. Their intentions are not genuine, and they lack the honesty to confront their true motivations.

To protect the integrity of the knowledge presented, access to the website is password-protected. If you resonate with this presentation please reach out. After getting to know you personally online, I will provide you with the password for access. I am not the only one who places importance on discernment. In ancient times, masters carefully selected their disciples to prevent the strengthening of the ego through false spirituality. The lack of such selectivity today reflects the degenerate state of the modern age.

Restoring the Primal Ecosystem and the Original Human Blueprint

The Hrigaia Project offers a (w)holistic approach to restoring the primal ecosystem, which is intertwined with the restoration of our original human blueprint. It has been proved again and again that without addressing the latter, efforts to regenerate the primal ecosystem are doomed to fail.

To reverse the downward spiral of nature or any aspect of life, one must be first able to perceive what is wrong and what actions are necessary for change. This requires a decalcified pineal gland and the ability to view the world through a broad esoteric perspective, recognizing both the disharmonious elements that need transformation and the inherent harmony that can be restored through our actions. This intuitive understanding enables us to make the necessary changes. To happen in Nature, one must be able first to do it to oneself.

The Path of Return to Pristine Nature

We have strayed from our “pristine nature” due to an unconscious enchantment with the material world, leading us to a bottomless entanglement in a rollercoaster of pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Those who grow weary of this endless cycle, begin the journey of returning to their primordial purity, the state we existed in before departing from it. This return is not a mental process but rather a process of our superconscious psyche leading to a profound, spontaneous awakening. It cannot be provoked through visualization, prayer, rituals, sacred acts of body, speech, and mind, or the use of symbols with human intent. Instead, it is a state of being – either you are, or you are not. The idea of “becoming” is an illusion, as everything is happening in the present moment, and enlightenment arises from simply remaining in the natural state. Clinging to any understanding of higher consciousness is an unnecessary ethereal emanation of our mental perceptuality that contains subtle egoic elements, an intelligent way to avoid just “being” by “existing”.

The Indescribable Nature of the Mind

The essence of the mind is indescribable; it cannot be captured in words. It embodies a living experience of absolute well-being, an immeasurable peace that radiates continuously through all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. Although we inherently possess this enlightened natural purity, we have lost touch with it, making it imperative to regain this connection. To facilitate this journey, words can serve as signposts, guiding us on the path of return. They should not be woven into mental constructs that create a fantasy or dream world. In our current reality, we are often taught to follow limited and fragmented knowledge, relying solely on logical thinking. This approach stifles the all-encompassing “intuitive knowing” that arises from within.

Approach this exploration with a neutral attitude and an open mind, and clarity will eventually emerge. Keep this in mind as you read the “brief description of intrinsic awareness”, the article on “meditation” (which emphasizes resting the mind naturally), and the “Thunder of Truth” (links below).

Who Are We?

We are multidimensional psychosomatic wholes—an inseparable blend of material, etheric, astral, and spiritual components—living spontaneously and naturally in bliss, clarity, and non-conceptuality. Our existence vibrates across a spectrum of frequencies, from the most subtle to the more gross. Each dimension is contained fractally within each other in a hierarchical order, where the more subtle influences the more gross, yet all are fundamentally inseparable.
As we have deviated from this perfect state of being, we must embark on the path of return. This journey is highly personal and cannot be confined to rigid categories, this is why I refer to this as “walking the path towards our original nature”—the essence of our multidimensional psychosomatic whole.

The Path of Return

To navigate this path, one must proceed with total honesty, maintaining clarity about one’s actions and intentions. This website aims to illuminate important aspects of this transformative process. However, these insights are subtle and cannot be merely studied; they require personal involvement in self-actualization, a commitment to changing one’s lifestyle, and the creation of a “real home” within the primal ecosystem.

The Essence of True Wisdom

True wisdom is characterized by fundamental simplicity. When we embody this simplicity, we move closer to our original blueprint and then even this website will be unnecessary. This simplicity is beautifully illustrated in the following story:

The story of the Yak Herder

In East Tibet, there lived a yak herder who earnestly wished to understand the nature of his mind. Residing in a remote area, he had to undertake a long journey, walking for days to reach a Lama (teacher) who could give him some answers. Upon arrival, he asked him: “How is my mind” (In Tibetan “mind” means “core essence”)?  The teacher, aware of the herder’s genuine simplicity, replied, “It is like the sky. While you sit and watch your yak graze, gaze at the sky and think of your mind as the sky. That’s all.” Grateful for the instruction, the herder returned home and practiced this for several years. However, he was perplexed when clouds appeared in the sky. Unsure of how to interpret this, he set off on the long journey back to the Lama. Upon his return, he asked, “How should I meditate when clouds appear?” The Lama responded, “Just as clouds arise and dissolve back into the sky, think of everything that arises in your mind as clouds. They appear and then dissolve back into the mind.” The herder returned home and practiced likewise for several more years. Eventually, he experienced a profound realization. Eager to express his gratitude to the Lama for his enlightening instructions, he journeyed back to him, but this time, he went not by walking, but by flying! When the Lama saw him approach in this extraordinary manner bowing at his feet, he recognized that the herder’s realization surpassed his own. He felt that he should bow down to him instead.

The Complexity of Modern Minds

In our contemporary era, the complexity of our minds often distances us from this basic simplicity. We tend to seek numerous instructions, creating elaborate mental constructs in an attempt to grasp the essence of our being. We say, “It is like this and not like that,” yet we frequently misunderstand and complicate matters further.

The path to true wisdom involves a process of total realignment with our core essence on all levels that happens spontaneously when we enter into this basic simplicity.

Engaging with the Hrigaia Project

To engage meaningfully with the Hrigaia Project, one must cultivate a degree of this fundamental simplicity, akin to the yak herder. However, given the complexity of our minds today, it may also be necessary to employ more structured practices, such as the practice of the five elements (explained in part A of the Hrigaia Project), to aid in this journey of realignment.

The Hrigaia Project and the Regeneration of Nature

The Hrigaia Project is dedicated to restoring our original blueprint at all levels, including the revitalization of nature. This endeavor serves as a preparation for the forthcoming Golden Age, anticipated to emerge after the current civilization reaches rock bottom. This conclusion is drawn from an analysis of the present state of the world, as discussed at the end of the article “Hrigaia Project.”

Restoring the Human Blueprint

Each of us possesses this original blueprint from which we have deviated. Unfortunately, many have strayed so far that they lack even a vague understanding of what this blueprint entails. Consequently, the search for it often leads to confusion and misguided efforts. This site is designed for those who have a faint sense of their original blueprint and are actively seeking to awaken and align with it. This journey demands total honesty and a deep exploration of one’s essence, which enhances self-understanding and clarity about the world. This process is not about following trends; rather, it is about walking a unique path that aligns with one’s physio-emotio-psycho-spiritual makeup. When individuals engage in this journey alongside their partners and like-minded individuals and participate in the regeneration of the primary ecosystem, they find that their work in all areas of life becomes integrated and complete. This (w)holistic approach is the core aim of the Hrigaia Project.



“All areas of one’s life” have been categorized into three sections:

1)  The first one has to do with oneself. Due to such a wide range of paths and beliefs, about this subject, I have decided to write a symbolic song in a style according to Tibetan Buddhism. It is the poetry of the “Twilight” where the mind ceases its activity. From the “darkness” of the night denoting the absence of mental constructs, as the first light rays emerge, at “twilight”, a play of words springs up from our primary nature, “manifesting” the quintessence of our Being. The conceptual mind ceases and the thunder of Truth roars.

Two more articles follow for clarification, a brief description of intrinsic consciousness. and meditation or non-meditation.

Here is an important article too:  Towards the Original Nature from the Perspective of Energy Nutrition.

2)  the second has to do with our relationship with others, restoring the original blueprint of human relations. Actually, there is not much to say, as when someone does inner work, his/her relationship will automatically be at the level where one is at. However, here are a few words as a guideline for male-female relationships: Back to original nature from Love’s perspective. Another article about fulfilling our universal responsibility is Tonglen (giving and taking)(working on right now) Also, part one of the next article Hrigaia Project refers to the relationship with the members of the community.

3)  The third has to do with our relationship with nature. It is in part two of the article Hrigaia Project (Part one is about the community that will form the core group). This is about creating our “True Home” in “matter” requiring a “natural” frame of mind to increase the understanding of how nature works and arouse a “natural instinct” of harmonious resonance with the subtle invisible world of Nature and intuitive “knowledge” of what has to be done to bring out its full potential. This “regeneration of the primal ecosystem” happens by following the methods of natural intelligence effecting on earth an unequaled transformation. The methods of:

1)   “natural farming” of Masanobu Fukuoka, particularly the one of increasing the biodiversity by broadcasting clay/seed pellets.
2) the enrichment of the soil with non-animal, natural additives to speed up the process.
3) Ingenuous methods, derived from the experiences of many skilled gardeners and vegan permaculture.

Regarding the first, we aim for a continuous green cover, broadcasting clay/seed pellets (clay protects the seeds) to increase the biodiversity, first with plants that will improve the soil (if needed), and then with 300 different species of plants and more, common and wild, edible or not, trees, climbers, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. In a way, you can say that a similitude of the Garden of Eden is created.

The second is about applying to the soil organic matter/compost, microorganisms (mycelia and endemic ones), trace elements, Ormus (monoatomic elements from the sea), rock dust, biochar (sponge-like charcoal colonized by microorganisms), etc. The fertility of the ecosystem increases by itself over time with minimal maintenance, the microclimate of the area changes, and there is great resistance to extreme climatic conditions.

In all of these of course, for them to work, our own personal transcendent power is necessary in order to overcome any internal and external interference that affects our human vehicle and nature.

What will make the difference is complete honesty on your part when answering the following questions:
Are you on an upward path in a process of maturation as a human being with a soul?
Do your actions contribute to the betterment of humanity?
If you are growing your food, are you doing it in the way suggested here to increase the fertility of nature, that is, improve the green mantle of the land and the soil in a balanced way?

The secret behind success lies in the “freedom” of our innate state. Free from any influences that do not allow us to function “Naturally”, everything follows its natural course, and nature returns to its original state.

The Part B of the second part of the article The Hrigaia Project refers to the mistakes that man makes concerning nature, which we need to know so that we can act correctly. It includes an overview of the state the world is in right now at all levels.


Carrying out the Hrigaia Project: A Holistic Approach to Ecosystem and Human Restoration

The Hrigaia Project seeks to create a sustainable, natural living environment that fosters human awakening while simultaneously restoring nature to its primal state*. The project combines spiritual growth, ecological sustainability, and community living in a way that unites the higher qualities of consciousness with Gaia—the Earth.

This is where the name comes from, Hri, the Union of all enlightened qualities with Gaia, the ground of our transcendental expression.

* A primal ecosystem is a self-sustaining, biodiverse environment that mimics nature as it existed in the distant past. This ecosystem regenerates itself over time, without the need for conventional agriculture or human intervention, fostering harmonious interaction between humans and their environment.

Project Vision

The project will be based in pristine nature, providing a setting where participants can undergo personal and spiritual development. People living here will embody a lifestyle rooted in plant-based nutrition, survival skills, and holistic education, including home-schooling for children. The project will be open to individuals and families who are on a path of self-evolution and awakening, with the core group leading the way in establishing this new way of life. At the appropriate time, it will open its doors to people who want to follow this lifestyle and learn about the natural regeneration of the primal ecosystem through hands-on experience, plant-based nutrition, survival skills in nature, etc. Living here in such ideal conditions will renew their inspiration and empower their personal development.

To get a better idea about the Hrigaia Project, as it is password protected, check the overview of the Hrigaia Project.

Some things about me:

From a very young age, I felt out of place in the conventional world, as it did not provide the answers to my deeper existential questions. This inner drive led me to leave my home country at the age of 17, and I spent the next 24 years living abroad. During that time, my sole focus was on seeking the deepest truths in both the inner and outer worlds. This quest pushed me to study extensively on a variety of subjects, helping me to cultivate a broad understanding of the human condition.

In addition to simplifying my lifestyle, I adopted a vegetarian diet and eventually transitioned to a fully plant-based diet. Along the way, I gained practical experience in a wide range of fields. I consider myself a “handyman” and a vegan chef, but my passion has always been the natural world. Over the past 12 years, I’ve immersed myself in the subtleties of nature, experimenting with natural farming on seven different farms in Greece and Costa Rica.

The knowledge I’ve acquired is a combination of multiple practices, drawing on Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming, vegan permaculture, and innovative natural fertilizers to enrich the soil, as well as the insights of numerous expert gardeners. My practical knowledge spans everything from small-scale family self-sufficiency (such as the “¼ acre experiment”) to larger initiatives like the creation of Primal Ecosystem, which can be achieved best through collective effort.

If, after reading this presentation, you wish to know more or have any questions, feel free to ask for the password. Should you then decide to become part of this project—either alongside me or with your own friends or community—reach out.

Yannis Diamantopoulos
skype: rikzin5
Telephone, WhatsApp, or Viber: +306982156490



Hrigaia Project