Towards the original nature

The return of nature to its original state.

Creating a “Nature Haven”

Part One.


The return of man to his primal state.
Elaborating more on how it is done.

An illustration of the interconnectedness between all forms of “life” in such an ecosystem.
The subtle forces that rule over nature. Natural soils are full of life.
The rest of the flora:
The first appearance of ancient ecosystems after the Ice Age.
Natural soil enrichment.
“Natural farming” of Masanobu Fukuoka.
Benefits and advantages of this ecosystem.
The necessary elements for its creation.
The ideal place.
Additional elements, fence, protection from fire, water.
Fence, Protection from fire. Water.
Activating the potential of Nature to the fullest.
A way to check your attunement with Nature.
Practical instructions for setting up the “ecosystem”
In a place with vegetation, we interfere as little as possible.
Plant establishment. Sowing with clay/seed pellets.
Planting nursery trees.
A suggested number of trees.
The model of a 1/4 acre.
We plant considering all factors.
How to make paths and irrigation canals.
On flat land.
Create and use the A tool to form the contour line with a slope of 1% (or greater).
Joint effort to create it.
Creating an experimental model (part of Hrigaia Project).
About me:
Contact details.

The return of man to his primal state.

To be able to restore nature to its original state, one must be in the right frame of mind, otherwise, it is not going to work and nature will continue its descending course. This means that we have to restore ourselves to our original state before or during our attempt to do the same with nature. Matter is impermanent, nature and earth will pass, but right now we have an opportunity to improve our psyche and bring nature to an exalted state, just like ourselves. We don’t act with a dual mind of we should do this and not that following recipes. Instead, we awaken a certain type of wisdom where we “see” things as they are so we just act in full attunement for the potential of nature to be expressed fully in “matter”. Not being able to do that (and not only) due to not having this wisdom is called ignorance and the result is that nature degrades. So thus we can deduce that “knowing” is good and ignorance is bad. Humanity is so much dipped in ignorance, that there are very few who are Truth seekers. These are the right candidates for this project and I hope that they will join together to make this “dream” of mine a reality, with or without my involvement.


The aim is the regeneration of nature increasing its fertility and biodiversity
in a totally natural way.
The result is a self-sustaining unique ecosystem of hundreds of species of plants and trees harmoniously existing together of stunning glamour, ineffable beauty, of ever-increasing fertility, that can nourish us and fulfill all of our vital needs.

This is going to be the first time ever! One of the purposes of the “the Hrigaia project” is to create this “ecosystem” and invite people to take an active part, marching simultaneously in their own personal path of self-cultivation, for a short or long time, settling there, or coming for educative purposes. Everything is explained in detail in the article The Hrigea Project

This method of “nature restoration” is the result of many years of research and twelve years of experimentation in six different farms in Greece and Costa Rica.

The different techniques applied have been carefully studied and upgraded. The result is something completely new, innovative, and different from other methods, the combination of which brings different results. However, as great as it may seem, its nature is ephemeral in contrast to our Essence. With this realization, we give it the attention it deserves in a relaxed way.  So, because we deal with it in this way, we can fully tune in with nature by following our natural instincts. We simply do what nature “tells” us in order to express its full potential.

The subtle attunement with nature activates the green thumb (which is latent in many), penetrating observation of nature’s processes increases our understanding of how nature works awakening an “innate talent”, and under the surface, we develop a “harmonious etheric relationship” with the subtle energy of nature.

It is proven that humans can affect nature in a positive or negative way, so it is up to us to create a paradise or a desert. By positive I mean inner harmony that radiates outward, affecting others, animals, and nature. By negative I mean manipulating nature the way we want, either it is organic or chemical farming that destroys nature slowly or rapidly, something that cannot be discerned with the eye as it takes years to notice the difference. The slow or rapid destruction of nature implies the extinction of the human race. The method I propose makes nature better than before.

In the article below, there are still many elements missing. In the very process of creating the ecosystem, everything will become clear. It is written with temperate climates in mind, specifically Greece. However, most of it applies to other climates as well. What remains is to be completed in reality.


How it is done: In the area where the ecosystem will be developed, we start by fertilizing the soil with natural amendments. Then, according to the natural farming principles of Masanobu Fukuoka, we increase biodiversity by sowing a wide variety of seeds in clay pellets that protect the seeds. We first sow seeds of plants that will improve the soil, then seeds of 300 or more different species, common and wild, edible and non-edible, trees, climbers, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. Thus, nature decides which seeds will germinate, when, and where. As everything grows, the microclimate of the area changes, fertility increases, and there is great resistance to adverse climatic conditions, pests, and diseases. At first, it takes a lot of effort, but after repeated sowings for some years, apart from occasional watering and the application of some clever techniques, it requires little care, such as cutting off dry branches that are left on the ground to rot.
Regarding soil enrichment, we cover the soil partially or completely with organic matter (mulch) of plant origin produced on site and/or transported there, we make compost, we use our own culture of microorganisms (mycelia and endemic), trace elements ( Ormus which are monoatomic elements from the sea), rock dust and biochar (sponge-like carbon colonized by micro-organisms). We spread all of these in the compost and everywhere and/or mix them with water and spray. Thus the soil receiving a natural boost combined with sowing becomes fertile quite quickly and our plants grow quite healthy. In addition to having a wide variety of food for ourselves, there is economic viability from a variety of crops, superfoods, herbs, etc. fresh or dehydrated, which are of superior quality.

Elaborating more on how it is done.

The vast potential of Nature, now lying dormant, is expressed to the fullest when we are “fully present.” Let me elaborate on what I mean: First, we gain knowledge of the subtle workings of nature. Then by careful observation, we seek to understand. Once we get some idea, we begin to act consciously in resonance with nature until we reach a stage where our “natural instinct” becomes unerring. Then it can be said that we are “fully present” in relation to Nature. The point is that we imitate natural processes rather than follow human discoveries and inventions, even if they have a history of thousands of years. Whatever we do, nature must have the last word. I will give you an example: There are many parameters that determine what will be developed, when, and where. One of these is the geomagnetic forces. For example, a fig tree grows best in a place where there is a geopathic zone. So there are many reasons why we must allow nature to choose what grows and where. We, from our side, must use our “natural instinct” acting as nature would and choose: What, when, and how much of each amendment to use for land upgrade.
What, when, and how much of each seed to sow to increase biodiversity and similarly for our nursery seedlings.
Also which plants/trees, after sprouting should we thin out (leaving the bigger ones) by moving them elsewhere, leaving enough space around them to grow, and also counting on having their crowns at different heights, to fit more trees in a given area? It is so simple! And even simpler if we tune in to the weather and guess correctly that the coming rain will last for several days. In this way, we even avoid making pellets of clay. When it rains, insects and birds do not eat the seeds, so everything has the opportunity to grow.
The point is to “be in tune with nature” and not blindly follow a magic recipe. I’ll give you an example to see how important this is for everything we do, even something as simple as watering with a hose: The amount of water that trees and plants should receive in the summer for optimal growth depends on the type of tree or plant, how dry the soil is, and other parameters. If you have a “natural instinct”, you will be able to “feel” for how long you should water each plant. Neither too little nor too much. The same applies to everything we do in nature.
“Natural instinct” emerges when there is a “broad vision” of many different parameters that all appear simultaneously in perfect working order. As it also “sees” what is actually missing, it can and does make the necessary adjustments. This “broad vision” usually appears as a kind of feeling that you somehow “know” what to do, while inside you feel one with the whole. “Applying intelligent techniques” is the result of this. Check out the “intelligent techniques” of the father of natural farming Masanobu Fukuoka to get an idea. All this requires minimal labor and no machinery.
 Practical steps:
We start by enriching the soil which in most cases is quite degraded. As it has been mostly destroyed by plowing and rotor-tilling, depending on the degree of destruction, we may need to take drastic measures to increase its fertility. At some point, we will reach a point where nature can be regenerated with minimal work by simply enhancing the natural processes. It is a continuous process of improvement year after year. In everything we do we must imitate nature as for thousands of years it has been proven that “the green mantle of the earth” knows very well how to survive without human intervention. For example, there is no wild tree on earth that grows with manure. So we don’t use manure either (there’s a whole book with all the reasons why not). Just the minimum amount that trees receive from wild animal feces.

An illustration of the interconnectedness between all forms of “life” in such an ecosystem.

Such ecosystems as those mentioned here are almost non-existent on earth as I mention below in the chapter on the Amazon jungle. Most have been destroyed some more and some less by man.
The subtle forces that dominate nature.
Nature is not just what meets the eye. There is a subtle structural pattern of the natural order that quantum physics has proven to exist. The visible plant kingdom is the material expression of the etheric forces of nature that interact with the four elements, perform all processes, create plant matter, and convert what decays into new matter.
The elementals are our projection into the morphogenetic field. As we tend to rationalize and personify in relation to the etheric forces of nature, we give them form depending on which of the four elements is expressed. Thus, through the operation of our anthropomorphic projection, they are perceived as “subtle energy entities” that we call Elementals. Speaking now from this point of view, they are the kings and queens who rule with earthly and cosmic wisdom over the collective etheric body of plants and trees. They function in the ecological environment of our planet ensuring the flawless functioning of the plant kingdom. Thus, when the etheric forces are expressed through the earth element they appear as:
Gnomes, embody the work with physical matter, transforming everything and giving it lasting value.
Through the water element, they appear as Mermaids or undines, which increases the faculty of feeling. Water is the ultimate medium of transmission and amplification.
Through the element of air, they appear as: Sylphs, of clarity, transparency, and detachment, that personify the ability to understand the interconnections of all parts of the animate kingdom and the knowledge of manipulating those parts to produce specific results.
Through the element of fire, they appear as Salamanders, expressions of will, strength, intensity, and ardor. The expressions of these etheric forces are absent from cities, in polluted environments, and where toxic people live.
If the environment where we intend to create the primary ecosystem is degraded and lacks that ethereal quality, as everything grows, it will regain that vibrant clarity.

Plants need light, air, water, space (on soil), food sources, and optimum temperature to live and grow. Also, they need to have companions, like a forest of great biodiversity, where each plant and tree contribute to the overall health of all species and in turn, is supported by the rest in times of need. How can we compare such an ecosystem to the five million hectares of monocultures sprayed with poisons that man cultivates and calls it food?
Natural soils are beaming with life. They contain an incredible variety of tiny bacteria, fungi, and other organisms. A handful of soil can contain tens of thousands of different species. Each species contributes in its way to the health of the forest, such as the mycelium fungi, the “wires” of the communication network between the extensive root systems of all trees and plants through which they exchange substances, communicate and help each other in times of need.
The rest of the flora: A natural forest has seven layers: canopy layer (the crown of large trees), understory layer (the crown of smaller ones), shrubs (berries and large perennials), herbaceous (herbs and plants), rhizosphere (roots, tubers, and bulbs), groundcover (like clover and strawberries), and finally climbing vines.
The first one, the kings and queens of the forest, are the tall trees that overshadow the lower vegetation, protecting it from the intense sun. Their roots penetrate deep into the subsoil, pumping nutrients to the surface. They are also the ones that have the greatest ability to cause rain (see below). Eventually, as they die and decompose, they become food for the lower understory plants. In turn, the lower trees along with shrubs and a variety of many plant species, wild grasses, herbs, mushrooms, and moss, protect the base of the taller ones. As their cycle ends, fallen leaves, underground roots, stems, branches, and fallen trunks, as well as worms, insects, feces, and carcasses of animals and insects, create abundant organic matter with a cohesive structure that holds the rainwater like a sponge. As they decay, they are broken down by microorganisms that convert inorganic minerals (trace elements) into organic ones, the only ones that can be absorbed by plants.
In Nature, there are also other harmonious interactions happening, but not all of them have been discovered. For E.g. plants share their peculiarities with other species such as those that have thorns share this ability they have to protect themselves and thus enhance the protective ability of others.
In this way, everything (including us) contributes to the processes required for the perfect functioning of this ecosystem. In our time though, due to the multiple adversities around us, this type of ecosystem can improve totally on its own only if it existed in every corner of the earth, man supporting nature allowing it to regenerate instead of destroying it. This is why we must give it an extra helping hand.
The five raw elements, the original structure of everything, also need to be in balance to support the plant kingdom. For instance, there is a direct correlation between vegetation and rain. The trees act as antennas that magnetize the rain and when affected by drought, they emit extremely sticky biogenic volatile organic compounds that attract water vapor that exists in the atmosphere forming drops and thus causing rain.
Likewise with air, earth, and the sun the element of fire. The fifth element of ether is related to the elementals mentioned earlier that to remain in balance with us, there must be order and cleanliness, with a mind empty of mental constructs. This aids in our natural instinct to function and for our attunement to become more refined.
See this article: 
this lDehr7JpyP8 
and this: nature / the-whispering-trees-180968084 / 
A plant neurobiologist, Stefano Mancuso, says that plants have a personality, they exchange information, interact with animals, have targeted strategies to survive, have a social life, and make the best use of energy resources. 
And on an even more subtle level:
Creating Gaia Culture. Vision and Workbook Marko Pogačnik    or listen to the audiobook PSWD CGC2022

The first appearance of ancient ecosystems after the Ice Age.

During an Ice Age glaciers crush the rocks in the Earth’s mantle and winds blow the resulting mineral dust, scattering it everywhere. As volcanoes erupt, they spew forth minerals from deep within the Earth, and rushing rivers form alluvium in valleys rich in trace minerals, such as silicate rocks. In them, there is a wide range of up to one hundred trace elements that are necessary for the prosperity of life and the creation of fertile soils. Thus, in the period following the Ice Age, each site with the appropriate climatic conditions was filled with jungles/forests of a wide variety of plants, with trees over 100 meters tall (the tallest tree today is 140 meters tall) and with many wild edible species. At that time, the almost naked Greek landscape of today was covered by dense forests of great biodiversity where lions and other large beasts lived. The climate was also much milder, as the dense vegetation normalized the extreme temperatures causing rainfall throughout the year without extreme floods and droughts. 
Nature follows cycles of great fertility and gradual degradation from natural and man-made causes, ending in an Ice Age that is followed again by a period of fertility and so on. We are now at the end of such a period of fertility and either as humanity we will let things advance to a complete collapse without intervening or we will act to restore nature to its original fertility as it was immediately after the Ice Age. So far, we are at a fast pace toward total collapse proven in million ways. And the degradation of nature is only a piece of the puzzle. This is the harsh reality but the good thing is that if we do our best, at least us, we follow an ascending path.
To reverse the downward course globally, humanity must reach maturity, living harmoniously in all aspects of its existence. When this maturity will reflect in nature, then it can be regenerated in every place on earth.

Natural soil enrichment.

The regeneration of nature starts with the soil. And it must be living for plants and trees to exist on it. To maintain this life it must always be covered by plants and trees that protect it from the hot sun. Thus it has a spongy structure that allows absorption and water retention with the decomposition of the dead plant tissues by the earthworms and microorganisms. All the processes that are necessary for the existence of healthy plants and trees depend on healthy soil rich in trace elements and organic matter.
Most soils, however, are severely degraded due to the destruction of the ecosystem by logging, animal grazing, and conventional agriculture that uses chemical fertilizers and pesticides and destroys the porous structure of the soil by plowing and rotor-tilling.
So, we counteract this, depending on the degree of destruction, by taking initially drastic measures to increase its fertility. Then, a point will be reached where nature can regenerate itself with minimal work aiding the natural processes. It is an ongoing process of improvement year after year.
Natural farming’s way is to increase fertility by planting a large variety of plants that enrich the soil with the annual decomposition of their plant tissues. As this takes a long time and we now live at a different rhythm having the immediate need to regenerate nature, if we have time, energy, and resources, we can accelerate the process by covering the soil partially or totally with organic matter (mulch) of plant material produced on-site and/or brought there, we make compost, we use our own culture of microorganisms (mycelium and endemic), trace elements (Ormus that is mono-atomic elements from the sea), rock dust, and biochar (sponge-like coal colonized by microorganisms). They are scattered on the compost and everywhere and/or mixed with water and sprayed. Thus the soil receiving a natural boost in combination with the sowing quickly becomes fertile, and our plants grow quite healthy.
So, these are the soil amendments in detail:
Compost organic matter with microorganismsbacteria, fungi, worms, etc., mixed with virgin soil.
Mulch (organic matter on the soil surface). Depending on the condition of the soil, in the fall, (to plant in the spring), we cover the soil (or weeds) with 5 to 10 cm of organic matter and our amendments, also introducing worms, which create compost right on the surface of the soil. Organic matter used is fallen leaves (avoiding certain species), garden residues, grass clippings, freshly cut tree branches, kitchen residues (vegetable and uncooked, without citrus, (their peelings go only under the citrus trees), rotten fruit that we collect from under the trees, washed seaweed, etc. If we have very degraded land and we want to speed up their decomposition (using Effective Microorganisms also helps a lot to speed up), we can make good use of a shredder and shred them all mixed up. This type of in-situ composting mimics the way plant residues fall on the ground from trees and plants.
Tools: Following is the worst-case scenario where you got almost no topsoil. After the decomposition process of the mulch on top is over, we should turn in the soil this organic method, which is similar to adding soil to the compost, by using hand tools if it is a small area or if large, changing the blades of the rototiller in this way  to dig and mix without creating below a hardpan that is created when the blade slides horizontally on the soil. Another invention is Victor Schauberger’s bio-plough best mounted on a single-wheel walking tractor that will not compact the soil as directly behind it is the plow. This loosens the soil mixing the mulch in the upper layer of the soil as it turns the soil inwards centripetally, turning it twice first by turning it at the edge, and then turning it back again so that the layering of the earth remains intact. Then you never have to plow again and you will have a good start in the no-dig method. For the inventions of Victor Schauberger see here:​   Check also copper garden tools here.  Browse the net for much more.
Rock dust (volcanic, granite, attapulgite, zeolite, and lots more in the States) creates fertile soils with the return of minerals to the soil in the same way that the Earth is fertilized during the Ice Age. Read about the benefits of rock dust here: The best rock dust is the one made from paramagnetic stones that absorb photons from lightning. When mixed with compost, the photon emission increases a hundredfold. But even though rock dust has many minerals, Ormus is better.
Ormus is seawater with sodium chloride removed through a simple chemical process. It has 95 monoatomic trace elements, in the exact analogy as our blood. It makes sense then that if the plants we eat have the same analogy of trace elements, they will promote health. There is a lot of information about Ormus on the internet.
How it is made: mix seawater (or water and salt) with washing soda (soda ash, which is done when we “boil” baking soda in a pan). A chemical reaction occurs when the pH is 10.7 and the resulting emulsion is 95 monoatomic trace elements without sodium chloride in an easily absorbable form for plants. The way we separate this milky-like emulsion from the water containing the sodium chloride, the salty one that bothers the plants is by letting it settle, pouring out the clear liquid, fill again with water two or three times, settle-pour out, and we are left with the milky emulsion with the trace elements.
Biochar is pyrolyzed organic matter from biomass waste from forestry or agriculture. As in the burning process, the toxic inflammable gases burn off, it becomes a sponge-like material. In those small holes, the micro-organisms create colonies. In this way, they are protected from the hot sun in summer, the cold in the winter, and the extremes of drought and flooding.
To apply biochar on the soil, we must first mix it with humid finished compost for at least 14 days, as it needs to be inoculated/activated first with microorganisms. The ratio is one part biochar to 10 parts compost up to half and half. Check for biochar activation here:
On the internet, you will find a huge amount of information about biochar. It is very important and has been used since ancient times. One of the ways to produce it is to fill a metal box with wood, with a lid that does not close tightly and place it in a lit stove. You will notice that the gases evaporate from inside the box and burn. It is NOT charcoal that stains (biochar does not stain) as the flammable toxic substances have not left.
We can also add the same (above) amendments to the pellets that we make for sowing. Other amendments can be added too (like the biodynamic preparations). Whatever you use, it must be of plant or mineral origin, not requiring much energy to produce. In everything we do, we must mimic Nature.,
Finally, we increase the biodiversity, by sowing a large variety of seeds in clay pellets (clay protecting the seeds). We sow first seeds of plants that will improve the soil, and then seeds of 300 or more different species, common and wild, edible or not, trees, climbing vines, shrubs, perennials, and annuals.
Some more links:
and Amazing site with more information. Six cartoons to learn how the soil’s nutritional tissue works.  Soil is a living organism.

The “natural farming “of Masanobu Fukuoka.

Natural farming cultivates in a way that mimics Nature. The know-how of creating the primary ecosystem comes mainly from the Japanese agronomist/farmer Masanobu Fukuoka, the father of “natural farming “. This type of farming is directly related to Fukuoka’s philosophy and worldview. It is also called “do-nothing farming “. This is because within the “pause” (of the limited mind) is where you can see nature from a completely different perspective and so you are free to act to increase its energy, fertility, and food production with minimal intervention.
One of the important elements of this method is biodiversity, the use of many species of plants and trees. Nature regenerates itself with some clever techniques such as sowing a large variety of seeds in clay pellets, where nature decides what will grow, when, and where. On his farm, cultivating conventional species in complete harmony with Nature, every year, the fertility of the soil increased constantly. But he did something else that almost no one knows. He created a “natural” forest garden on a hill above his farm, an unknown hidden treasure of incomparable beauty, a combination of endemic and common edible species of plants and trees. This was the first harmonious ecosystem of great biodiversity of our time.
As a farmer he was mainly engaged in conventional crops, leaving Nature to function harmoniously according to its wisdom, so he did NOT need to dig the soil (digging, plowing, or tilling), uproot weeds, use fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, or change the natural shape of the trees by pruning. The soil is plowed by the roots of the plants, the weeds (if necessary) are replaced by a permanent carpet of a variety of plants such as clover, the soil is naturally fertilized with the processes in the soil and the trees grow keeping their natural shape without the need for pruning that destroys the natural shape of the tree, and then for a lifetime having to cut the suckers that grow haphazardly as the tree has lost its branch balance.
According to one expert: “In my humble opinion, a (tropical or not) forest garden with many different species of trees that produce fruit, nuts, timber, etc. from shrubs, climbing vines, annuals and perennials, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, etc., is the best solution for most parts of a country to be able to feed a family or a community from a stable and varied crop”. The difference from any other cultivation system is that it requires much less labor time, no machinery is used and there is better quality and higher production (proven fact). On top of a permanent thick carpet of clover, he plants, broadcasting the seeds/pellets of one crop before harvesting the previous one. Thus, he harvests three different grains in a year’s time. Needless to say, in this way, not only we can have a great variety of food for ourselves, but there is also economic viability from a variety of crops, superfoods, herbs, etc. fresh or dehydrated of superior quality.
https: //

Benefits and advantages of this ecosystem.

-This primal ecosystem is our natural heritage. A long time ago, before the surge of cities, that’s where we lived, that’s where we belonged. Now, no matter how far from perfect is some beautiful place in nature, being present there, a dim reminiscence makes us feel like we are in our “true Home”. Imagine how it would be living continuously in such an ecosystem of unparalleled beauty.
-Planting the pit of a fruit that also came from a tree that came from a pit and after a few years planting the pit from that tree, the third generation will produce fruits of exceptional quality, because they return to their ancestral form and because of the harmonious interactions of so many species, picking up their qualities as well. Being of the best quality and high nutritional value, with all of their trace elements, vitamins, and crystalline structure balanced, for one their flesh brings superb health to our body, and for two their pit can supply a seed bank for the future to regenerate nature when the need will appear.
-Installation requires mainly intelligent manipulation of natural processes instead of hard work and human-centered intellectual knowledge. At the beginning, when establishing it, the soil may be so destroyed, that we may have to use some input from technology and outside resources. Then, after the soil regains its fertility it is constantly increasing on its own, and the ecosystem becomes self-sustaining, requiring almost no maintenance.
-We do absolutely nothing against nature. We just become the intermediary that allows it to regenerate like e.g. by imitating the wind that scatters the seeds (protected by clay) of a great variety of plants everywhere enriching the barren soil with natural processes. This is very different from agricultural work.
-It has excellent resistance to all challenges and adverse climatic conditions, pests, plagues, and diseases.
– It creates a microclimate of mild temperatures with a small difference between the maximum and the minimum, normalizes excessive droughts and rainfall, and if it covers a large area, it can change even the weather patterns.
– It cannot catch fire as there is such dense vegetation of non-flammable species that retains permanent moisture as it rains more often due to the way the trees attract rain, as mentioned earlier and water does not evaporate.
-It can provide us with all the elements that we miss living in cities, supporting us in the transition to a peaceful plant-based diet, living on fruits and seeds, the food that we will spontaneously prefer after living there for a while (provided we flow with the flow!). This is because although we have mutated into omnivores due to needing to survive in harsh conditions such as during the ice ages, the original makeup of our body is fruit-nut-seed (like sunflower)-eaters (frugivores), and therefore if we find ourselves in the proper environment, if we cut off our social mind that we have to behave and eat like everybody else and lose our mental likes and dislikes, we will spontaneously choose to eat the very delicious fruits nuts and seeds that are provided to us in abundance. If we are open to change, we will be able to adapt to nature instead of the other way around of painstakingly bringing nature to our measures feeding thus our destructive habits.
-The smaller quantity of production and the smaller size of the fruits are compensated with the excellent quality and their vital energy that keep us for a long time without getting hungry, as long as of course we have adapted to these superfoods and our stomach has shrunk from being oversized (due to the poor food in bio-energy that we eat), to its normal size.
– It adds to the overall prosperity of the planet. A model that when created will show its greatness when in a few years the amazing results will be manifested. From there it will depend on whether humanity will stop destroying itself and change course on all levels, to be repeated on a large scale by individuals and groups everywhere, in the tropical, subtropical, temperate, and cold temperate areas of the planet. Only then there is a chance that the downward course of nature will stop.
– Doing internet research, one can find thousands of grave repercussions from the disharmonious relationship between man and Nature. The more degraded nature is, the worse the quality of our life. As we depend on our environment for survival, the regeneration of nature benefits us the most. The presence of these ecosystems everywhere will benefit indirectly humanity and directly those who live there.

The necessary elements for its creation.

The ideal place.
The bigger the better. If it borders a forest (not coniferous as it’s highly flammable), it could be at least half a hectare because of the possibility of expanding into the forest with wild edible species. Otherwise, it should be quite a bit bigger. Probably then a dense zone of specific trees must be created around it to protect those that we will plant inside it. The ideal would be for it to be a virgin place, i.e. that it has never been cultivated/plowed or at least not for many years and it already has a variety of endemic trees and shrubs (or at least just shrubs) to make it easier for us to increase its edible biodiversity with endemic edible species from the distant past along with conventional fruit species. If it is too dense, we thin it selectively by cutting a lot of the same species ( the smaller ones), the dry ones, and whatever branches are in the way, and we collect and tie the open crown of bushes or large weeds in the center to make space for ours in between. In the summer when the ground needs more shade, we cut the rope that we have tied them with. We spread all the cut branches on the ground between our plants to rot and cut any branch that sticks out so that as many as possible touch the ground. We also make sure that the soil regardless of its color, has at least 10-15 cm of organic matter on the surface. The rumor that black soil is the best color is spread by soil sellers to bring you truckloads of black subsoil that when it gets wet becomes hard like stone and has zero organic matter.
It is important that our place borders a forest because this will have a positive effect on our ecosystem and we will be able to increase its biodiversity with the per se endemic species of the distant past. The “endemic” species in today’s so-called virgin forests are the resistant species that survived previous disasters. Some of the lost species are sensitive wild fruits that were once abundant. They were lost due to human abandonment, forest fires and animal grazing, and the inability to compete with hardy species. The trees with the choicest fruits/nuts and oil fruits were what sustained man in the past. The endemic trees of those “ecosystems” supported their existence. Man in the past was aware of his etheric nature and fed on the fruits and oleaginous fruits. Being semi-etheric, his corporeality was not as pronounced as it is in our days. At some point, he lost this consciousness and became more materialistic and as a result, he needed more substantial food. This caused him to turn to meat-eating and grain-growing, and as he destroyed the endemic trees along the way, the delicate fruit trees could no longer exist. The fruit trees he grows now cannot fully sustain him. However, in the ecosystem that we will create, it will be possible to be fully maintained, regardless of where it is. For now, only in tropical countries with rich soil, without agrochemicals, and over 120 types of fruits and oleaginous fruits it is possible to maintain perfect health, and I have personal experience with this. Here is an example of how the delicate wild fruit trees otherwise disappeared. In the village square of Paleoi Poroi on Mount Olympus, there was a very rare, huge wild tree with delicious fruits. They cut it down because its fruits, which no one was eating, were soiling the village square! This is the mentality of the people who live in the countryside. Like another villager who was very proud of killing a flock of very rare birds that lived in a ravine. Lesson to be learned: Unless something happens that will turn everything completely upside down, the way humanity is going with its mentality it will tear the earth apart and turn it into cosmic dust. The nature of the material universe is transitory anyway, so let’s not look at what others are doing, what counts is what we do, so let’s do our best. The reason we prefer the soil to be virgin and covered with vegetation protecting it from the hot sun or not being plowed for many years is that it takes incredible work for years to restore its original natural structure, microbial life, and fertility. Due to the application of our amendments, we can restore it in less time, but it still takes time depending on the level of destruction. It would also be ideal if our “ecosystem” is at an energetic point and not in a degraded environment, e.g. sprayed with toxic agrochemicals. Chemtrails, EMF, 5G, and whatnot, are certainly difficult to avoid but we have to face them with our inner power that creates miracles of biological transmutation. If we cannot, then we can use a material representation that facilitates the “ecosystem” to pass onto another dimension. For instance, you can create a circle of protection placing energized crystals or gemstones on the border of the area in a circle, and in the exact center, place a special one. Doing further research will reveal to you the best way. The important thing is to empower with your energy whatever you put in so that it can work. Also every time you face challenges due to the long distance from a city, be thankful for avoiding even worse challenges that you would have to face if you lived closer to pollution from our civilization. Hence the need to have a team to undertake this task. Living far away you cannot be alone.

Designing our premises and the “ecosystem” taking into account all parameters.

It would be best if we did the planning according to our intuition, considering all the factors of course. Regarding the buildings, we can follow the ancient Greek feng shui or the corresponding Indian VastuShastra but for the rest of the buildings such as storage sheds, covered areas, rootcellar, greenhouse, nursery, open spaces, pond, the area intended for the “ecosystem” and everything else, we should take into account all the parameters such as e.g. geopathic stress zones (which requires training on your part or an expert will have to come and check it), morphology of the terrain (slope, etc.), position regarding the sun, wind exposure, depth of the topsoil and subsoil in different areas, the types of trees and shrubs present, the amount of light that each area receives annually (i.e. mountains that shade the sun in the east or west), the difference in temperature that depending where it is it can be bigger or smaller, where the rain ends up (i.e. at the lowest point with more moisture we make a lake instead of a house), areas with fertile soil that we keep for the “ecosystem”, the adjacent forest, land degradation by previous owners, even considering the existence of hostile neighbors, etc. Developing “natural instinct” will definitely help you find the right place. We can even guess correctly that it will take us 5 years to gradually increase the fertility until we reach the desired result, then we can accept waiting. In nature, one can not be in a hurry. If we rush and plant as we like, on the one hand, it will take a lot of work and on the other hand, it will reduce the fertility of the land. Other than the “ecosystem”, in order to start eating immediately until the mixture of plants and vegetables under the trees can fully sustain you, make some raised beds with the double digging method and plant vegetables densely. It is the same as taking fruit trees from a nursery to start eating in two years. It doesn’t matter because our goal is long-term.

Additional elements, a fence, protection against fire, and water.

If there are shepherds with free-range goats and other animals around, the area should be fenced with mesh and wooden poles or metal posts 1.80 to 2 meters high (goats can jump over if it is less), driven into the ground. In the ground goes 30 to 50 cm, so in total, you need a max of 2.50 m long. For metal, there is no need to make a hole and pour cement. I can share with you the plans for a hand tool I have invented that drives metal rods into the ground. If there is not enough money for a regular fence, one can make a living fence by planting shrubs (thorny or not) densely, and until they grow, use cheap barbed wire and/or dry branches stacked on top of each other, being held against the wind with barbed wire. Reinforce the bottom of the fence if there are wild boars around with strong mesh (the square one that is soldered) that must be buried and nailed a bit in the ground, otherwise they dig and crawl under.
Protection from fire.
If there is a nearby forest with pines, avoid planting near them, because if they catch fire, they create a fiery hell that dries our trees and then burns them. However, there is a solution. The drawback is that it requires hard work. Hopefully, the soil will be soft so that It is not too difficult to dig. The ideal time is a bit after rain when the soil is soft but not muddy. We dig ditches here and there and bury or half bury the dry and low branches (which we will prune and cut as small as they need to be not to occupy space) and the flammable dry logs from fallen tree trunks. For this, to make the work easier, we use special manual tools for cutting and digging. Thus as they decompose, they will provide food to the forest, which is much better than removing them from the forest. This burial method can also be applied to any non-coniferous forest to minimize the risk of fire. If there are flammable pines next to us, to minimize the danger of fire, we can remove all the dry branches (and some low live ones) by pruning them high enough and also remove everything from the ground, even the pine needles, and bury them here and there in mounds. If some trees are very close to each other, we thin them, cut and bury them.
The one who discovered more than anyone else the properties of water is Victor Schauberger. There is lots of material on the internet, do your own search and if you can incorporate some of his inventions to energize the water, it will be great. There is not enough space here to write more about it.
Water is a must, even for minimal watering in the beginning. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to provide water everywhere. If we are close to the sea, we can produce large quantities of distilled water with a solar greenhouse. If not, with special screens/nets we can collect atmospheric moisture, which sticks on the screen, liquefies, drips into a gutter, and ends up in our tank. So, whether the water is a source, river, drilled or dug wells, or from rain, sea, or moist wind, it would be ideal if we can build a small aquatic ecosystem with aquatic plants and animals. It is also the perfect place to grow the aquatic expansive weed Hydrilla Verticillata which is a secret Nature’s superfood, one of the most nutritious on the planet superior even to spirulina. Then with the water from this pond, we can water the whole farm.
To collect the rainwater, at the highest point of the farm (or even beyond at a neighboring forest, if any) where water collects naturally, we cover natural ditches with natural cement forming furrows that collect the rainwater that fills a water reservoir that has three sections and it is covered so that the water does not evaporate from the sun, or underground, with waterproof plastic lining underneath and another to cover it. Water from this reservoir, from the third section, flows naturally to the lake/pond that should be located at the highest point of the farm so that we can irrigate with gravity flow without needing to use a pump. The pond is made by digging a large hole with slightly sloping sides that we cover with waterproof plastic or even better with natural cement, an ancient Greek recipe with pozzolan (volcanic rock), or kneading with our feet clay mud with rotten grass, if the soil is clayey, and then covering it with bentonite for water impermeability. This last we do only if there are no animals that could dig a hole under the pond and drain out all the water. In all three cases, we shovel at least 10 cm of soil to retain the bentonite and also as a substrate for the aquatic plants that we will plant, thus simulating a natural lake. Apart from the rain, this is the most suitable water for irrigation, alive, exposed to the sun, in the elements, with plants and animals that provide nutrients. If not renewed quickly enough, it should be shaded by trees and aquatic plants, because too much sun is not good for the water either. Rather than using plastic or something artificial to cover the pond until the trees grow to provide shade, you can plant two aquatic superfoods of nature, one being duckweed (lemna) full of vitamins and minerals with 20-35% protein that doubles its size from 16 hours to 2 days and covers very fast the whole pond, and the other is Hydrilla Verticillata which is a secret Nature’s superfood, one of the most nutritious on the planet superior even to spirulina.
After watering and almost emptying the pond, we fill it up again with fresh water from the reservoir made for this. The purpose of the three sections of the reservoir is that the first one is to get all the debris out and all the sediment to go down. This is the one that we need to clean periodically. Then the water goes to the second one after this is emptied to the third one, and there (in the second) we can energize it.  If we use anything to offset the acidity (from acid rain) we can put it in here, and stir it well, so that when it goes to the lake it will not disturb the aquatic ecosystem. In case we have water from the municipality with chlorine, this is the tank that we open the cover and leave just a screen to keep away insects, etc., and let the chlorine evaporate and the water be energized by the sun for a day or two. Then it moves to the third tank ready to fill the lake after it is almost drained when we irrigate the farm. If there is a source of water like a constant spring, we do not need the reservoirs. To get the water out from the pond without a pump, ask me to send you details of a simple DIY gadget. Materials: a non-return valve, two regular valves, and a water pipe.
If we face a long dry season, we will need more water for the first two to three years to simulate a bit the conditions of the far past when it rained much more. Then, every year, as the root system of plants draws water from deep in the ground and creates a porous structure that holds water well, it is watered less and less until the plants acclimatize to the current dry conditions and learn to absorb atmospheric moisture at night through their leaves, just like what the endemic plants are doing. The soil moisture is maintained by the abundant organic matter that absorbs the evening moisture like a sponge and also the shading by that many plants does not allow the sun to dry the soil. If there were many such ecosystems in the world, the weather would change, summers would be cooler and it would rain more often (in hot and dry areas).
Water, whatever its source may be, we must filter it for our own use. We will get it after the reservoirs. The best cheap improvised filter for large quantities of water is the bio-sand water filter. It breeds beneficial bacteria that kill the harmful ones. Many videos on youtube are explaining how to make them. com/results?searchquery=biosand+water+filter Then before drinking we can energize it in different ways, one of them being with V.S. inventions that I mentioned earlier.

A way to check your attunement with Nature.

One way to see if we are in harmony with nature is to connect with a mimosa plant (touch me not), send it waves of harmony, and then touch it. If it doesn’t close its leaves (which is its natural reaction to something touching it), then it means that we will have success!!! This means that we can deal well with challenges that may arise during the establishment of the ecosystem, the end result being complete harmony and balance.

Practical instructions for setting up the “ecosystem”

In a place with vegetation, we intervene as little as possible.
To be able to pass and irrigate, we form paths and irrigation canals (one next to the other, below follows more explanation) between the trees and bushes. We avoid cutting trees as much as possible, preferring to cut half-dried ones, with reduced growth and crooked trees, more bushes, and fewer trees. Tall weeds and spreading bushes, instead of cutting them, we tie them like a bouquet with a string, to sow our pellets and put our plants in. When ours are established, we untie the string, especially in the summer when we need shade. If our trees are too close to wild trees, we first cut their low branches which are usually dry and when our trees grow so big that they get in the way, we remove some more. Leave the cut branches on the ground to rot or bury them halfway.
Establishment of plants. Sowing with clay/seed pellets.
We can collect seeds and little plants from all over the country (s), either by going there in person, by mail from organic growers, from various seed banks (public or private), or have someone collect them for us. Fortunately, there are still some seeds of wild trees and plants from the past that have survived in areas with favorable conditions.
In a natural forest, seeds of plants fall and multiply obviously without the need for clay pellets. This is because where they fall there are so many crevices for seeds to hide in the thick organic matter below so that many seeds get the chance to grow. Ants and rodents need a dry environment that they find in barren land so in woodland not so many seeds are taken by them. If we just want to increase the biodiversity of a forest that has thick organic matter below and we got lots of seeds, we can try with no pellets. Sowing with clay pellets is a very successful method, but only if we follow some guidelines. There are many ways we can do them wrong. Pellets protect the seeds from ants, birds, rodents, and the sun. Making them by hand is a time-consuming process. It is faster to rub a mixture of seeds with clay in a sieve. And even faster to make them in a concrete mixer without its fins or even better in a barrel in which we have fixed an axis with a crankshaft or electric motor. A barrel is better because we can have a rheostat to increase the revolutions at the right speed, and also make the right size of the barrel that is the most efficient. Do as shown in the youtube video, with the difference that we can also add activated biochar, the mixture of our microorganisms, Ormus, water from compost, and rock dust.  There are several more videos on Youtube. Search in google and youtube using as keywords seed bombs, seed pellets, or seed pelleting.
Also, you can use any color clay (not only red as mentioned) located where the subsoil is exposed, on the river banks, etc. Red is simply the easiest to find in brick and ceramic factories. We use two parts clay and one part humus or worm compost or just compost (without weed seeds), biochar, the mixture of our microorganisms, Ormus, and rock dust. If we do not have a source of trace minerals we can use water from soaked seaweeds or seawater. This last, in small quantities, is quite beneficial. Search the net. These pellets act as a microscopic environment of nutrients and beneficial soil microorganisms. Before making a lot, we make a handful of them, dry them, and try them out to see if they work. If they don’t, we change the ratio of the ingredients.
Ideally, we make them just before the rains* so that we do not have to dry them and store them. Being already soft, they will sprout faster too. Also, the microorganisms will not go dormant (due to the summer heat). They will remain alive if we do not dry the pellets. Also, we do not take the risk of the seeds being damaged as there is the possibility that they may germinate a little before the pellets dry completely. This is especially true when we make the pellets by hand and we make them large to save time. They take a long time to dry, thus damaging the seeds that have slightly sprouted. And If the pellets are too big or if the clay mixture is not sufficiently permeable to water, the moisture from the rains will reach the seeds to germinate very slowly, so more rains will be needed and then the cold of the winter comes and kills the little plant.
Instead of pellets, another way is, just before the rains (especially if we are not absolutely sure how many days it will rain, we can mix the seeds (not trees and bushes that take a long time to sprout unless we pre-sprout them a bit) with thick mud and throw around aiming at the soil handfuls of mud instead of pellets. This will provide some protection and seeds get closer to the soil even if there are weeds, seeds get closer to the soil because we throw the mud with force between the weeds.
* If you make them long before the rains, at least make them early in the morning on a hot day so that they have a chance to dry quickly. Wait for the right time to sow them just before the onset of rain followed by more rain. The rain softens the clay, allowing the seeds to germinate. After that, even if there are a few days of sunshine (not too many) before the next rain, the pellets protect the germinated seeds.
We choose seeds from a wide variety of plants, edible or not, all mixed but in groups. We scatter the pellets of the bushes more sparsely and a little further away and the pellets with the seeds of the trees even further away, thrown more forcefully. As soon as the trees and shrubs grow a little, we thin them so as not to overload the area with woody biomass, transplanting them in places where there are not so many of that kind, also planting some from the nursery, ensuring that everything is evenly distributed, taking into account the particularities of each variety. Whatever is left over, we take to our nursery and tend them until we give them away to those who may need them.
During the thinning out of small trees and shrubs, we must leave the ones that look healthy, grow straight, and are taller than the rest. For unknown factors in the spot where they are they manage better. After some time passes from transplanting the other ones, we must check to see if they grow well, and if not we transplant them close by, and in that spot we try a different tree, also from our nursery. The geomagnetic influences are at play too.
We sow at different times, the appropriate varieties and quantities, and more than once in the following years. Proper timing means, for example, not in spring, as they will dry in summer if not watered, but also not in early autumn before an early rain that will sprout them all, but then everything will dry out because the next rains will come much later (unless we can irrigate them). Unfortunately in planting excursions, millions of small plants have dried up because those who sow them did not take this timing into account. How sad……
If we do not have much space and make paths next to the irrigation canals (see below), in between the raised beds, we use pellets only for annuals and perennials, and shrubs in the beds and we plant the seeds of the trees and the seedlings from the nursery at specific places at appropriate distances deciding ourselves where. 
Green manure crops can suppress weeds, sequester CO2 in the soil, support mycorrhizal fungi, provide a natural mulch, and protect soil from drought and heavy rain.
So, one of the ways to create topsoil is to sow a mixture of green manure plants (seeds of nitrogen-fixing plants, beans, cereals, grasses, etc. in pellets, cover crop in other words) in the fall, which we cut (or press with a roller) just before spring or a bit later in the spring after they flower if we want to sow (in seed pellets which could also include vegetables) a spring crop mix that will further improve the soil structure with their roots especially if we can irrigate. We can sow before we cut the previous one, as in this way seeds will be protected from the sun and sprout better. Depending on how degraded the soil is and whether we can irrigate or not, we leave the plants we have sown in autumn to produce seeds. We can also increase the organic matter by adding mulch, grass/compost, and amendments.
Planting nursery trees.
As for the trees, our nursery should have seedlings that we have started from seeds in soil blocks (DIY on YouTube) made from our soil (these are better than pots and plastic bags), of both common and wild fruit trees and also endemic ones that are not known in our area, carefully choosing where to plant them. As long as they are from the “list” (see at the end of the article), they could have existed in our area thousands of years ago. If they will grow well, then we must consider them endemic. We must also take into account the fact that trees may not grow well now due to depleted soil, but in five years, after all of our improvements, they can grow very well. Plants/trees from the nursery should be planted in their final position when our soil has been improved (if it needs to) and when they have developed a long enough root system to withstand heat and drought unless they are watered more often. We must make soil blocks of different sizes, so when the plant roots fill up the small soil block we plant it in the second bigger one and then the second in the third, so that roots will never grow out of the soil blocks.
To start eating fruit in 2-3 years, we buy trees, shrubs, and vines from a nursery that does not prune their top and/or roots. Because nursery trees are not as hardy and do not live long, (unless in your country you can find organic that are cared for properly in which case the following does not apply) we plant them next fall (until spring) close enough to the wild seedlings (or spots where we have already or will plant seeds) of the same species, whether they come from the wild equivalent or from a fruit pit of a fruit we ate. As these are hardier and produce better quality fruit they will be the preferred ones. We prune the nursery trees when they get on their way and eventually when they are too bothersome, we cut them to feed their resistant neighbors with their decomposition.
Alternatively, we can plant two to four trees (they should be about the same size) of the same family at a distance of 50 to 60 cm from each other (or less for inosculation/approach grafting), especially if we do not have much space. We can then use inosculation to join them together. It would be very interesting to see the effect on wild fruit trees combined with a seedling grown from a conventional fruit pit or a grafted tree from a nursery. See: 
A suggested number of trees.
The following is for temperate climates. For the tropics, as there are hundreds of different species of fruit trees, you need a much larger area to include them all. 
In temperate climates, there are about 25 types of fruit. To extend the harvest season of each, we must have at least three different varieties from each tree species. One that matures early, one intermediate, and one that matures late. If we have (at least) two trees from each, that is, six multiplied by 25, it is 150 trees plus 50 wild ones, which equals 200. This means that for everything to fit spaciously, we need at least 2,500 sq. mts. Together with the buildings etc., the minimum we need is about 1 acre (4000 sq.Mts.). Then the more land we have, according to the particularities of each area, we can increase the number and variety including more native trees, more bushes, and more trees of utilitarian uses(to make ropes, candles, soap, straight logs for construction, etc.). Here are some benefits we get from the trees.
The model of a quarter of an acre.
There are many people who attempt to grow a food forest on a ¼ of an acre. There are many videos on YouTube. Here I will give you some space-saving techniques without interfering with the natural shape of the trees, to make the most use of this small area and be able to completely feed five people who are on a plant-based diet.
For everything to fit on a ¼ of an acre, some more pruning has to be done. For instance, it is possible to minimize the required space by planting 2, 3, or 4 of the same species very close to each other, even without approach grafting. Their branches will not become entangled with each other as they choose to grow in one direction away from the other ones. As for the wild/native trees, we plant them quite close to the fruit trees and prune their lower branches so that they grow taller, for their canopy to open above the fruit trees. We can also plant them right at the edge of the farm so that their canopy will grow outside of our property. Also if we are next to a forest, we will be able to fill it with more native trees of different varieties, some that bear wild fruits too. The vines (grapes, kiwis, etc.) do not take up space as they climb up the trees. Another space-saving technique is to graft a tree with more varieties. Also, densely planted wild shrubs and some trees can be pruned continuously to provide organic matter to the soil.
We plant, taking into account all the factors.
Make all the exceptions necessary in my general rules depending on the circumstances you find yourself in. There is a golden ratio to balance our present needs (that may change in time) with bringing balance to nature.
Some more details: If you do not want to depend too much on irrigation, sow the pellets just before a series of rains in the fall, which will ensure that everything will sprout and grow. Due to the weather conditions that change due to human intervention, this time may be too late in the fall, so the plants will not have time to grow before the cold of winter. In this case, you should plant them earlier and water them. To minimize watering, it is advisable to consider other factors as well, such as planting with the moon and planting according to the four elements that govern the zodiac signs. Due to the gravitational pull of the moon, which causes tides, soil moisture is absorbed through the ground and rises to the surface on the full moon or new moon. The seeds also absorb more water during the full moon. You plant crops that bear fruit above the ground when the moon is waxing and below (bulbs, tubers, etc.) when it is waning. For more information, click here:
In our planning and sowing of the pellets, we also take into account even more factors, such as ensuring that everything gets enough sun, i.e. the trees should be mixed, low, and tall so that the crown of the trees is at a different level. So we can reduce the distances between them even more since there will be no roads, but taking into account that everything needs sun and therefore, at the edges, and especially in a southern exposure, we make the exception to plant trees that love the sun like figs, leaving more space between them. Also, evergreen trees that do not shed their leaves in the winter can serve as windbreaks.

How to build paths and irrigation canals.
This is too complicated for me to try to explain (and for you to understand), so eventually, there will be a video showing how to do it. What follows is a rough sketch. 
Depending on the slope and the terrain, we create raised beds (covering the outside of the raised part of the ground with stones, wood, etc. to prevent water evaporation) with paths in between which we make following the contour of the ground (to irrigate with furrows) or if the area is flat, we make circles and various other artistic shapes (based on sacred geometry for instance), having to use necessarily plastic irrigation pipes for watering.
On a slope (even a small one), if we take into account that the paths must take up as little space as possible, there is only one ideal design. We form them on the upper side (of the slope) of the raised bed, and we make them along the contour with the correct inclination (e.g. 1 or 2%), in order for the water to move slowly enough to soak the soil. As for the raised beds where we will scatter the pellets, their width should be such that it fits evenly between the trees. To be able to reach the plants on both sides of the path, we estimate that we can bend about 60 cm. over the beds, so the beds’ width is 120 cm. If the beds are wider, we can make small vertical paths at regular distances or we can use flat stones, slabs, or anything else to step on to reach all plants. To avoid soil compaction, we only walk on paths.
On flat land, if we have an artistic orientation, we can allow nature to choose what will grow where, only for annuals, perennials, and shrubs in our beds, and for the trees and vines that will climb on them, we play with different designs using the sacred geometry. In flat land, we have to invest more money as we have to use plastic pipes, the expensive kind that is for drinking water in order to avoid the toxicity of the irrigation pipes and to design it in such a way that after each watering the water leaves completely from the pipes, as it spoils if left inside.

Making and using the A tool to form the contour line with a slope of 1% (or greater).
We take three pieces of wood, the two of the long vertical ones being equal, the end part of the legs that rests on the ground must be two meters apart, and with the smaller horizontal piece, we form the A. At the top in the center, we put a screw and on it we attach a string, hanging below the horizontal wood, and to keep it straight we fasten a weight, a piece of metal, or anything. When we place this A on a flat surface, we draw a line on the horizontal wood where it coincides with the string. It is in the middle. Then we lift one foot two centimeters higher and make another mark. This is 1%, one centimeter per meter, and two centimeters for the two meters. Then we raise 4 centimeters (or whatever percentage we want) and make another mark for the slope of 2%. Now we are ready to start. We place it on the ground so that the string is exactly on the 1% mark. It is useful to have two pointed stakes which we stick to the ground to know where to dig as soon as we remove the tool A. Remove the weeds with the hoe between the stakes, then move the first stake and place it on the next point where we will touch tool A and so on. Instead of digging every time, it is easier to have some lime powder, or a sprayer with lime and water, to dig after the marking is finished. The weeds that are removed from the irrigation canal and the paths go to the compost or the shredder and the soil that we dig from them, (about 10 cm.), goes on the beds, to raise their lower side so that they become level. When we cover the irrigation canal with natural cement, we will do it in a way to water the beds directly. We still need some experimentation, as this cement, by slightly changing the recipe, becomes porous. (Using it as such, we can make a natural refrigerator, which reduces the temperature by 12 degrees)
Also in the paths, wherever they widen, we can plant some species of fast-growing trees or shrubs (such as pavlonia), to prune them for fast production of organic matter for mulching. In the raised beds also if we are inexperienced, we experiment with each one differently to learn what works and what doesn’t. We must act according to the conditions in which we find ourselves. For example, if we do not have enough seeds from trees and plants, we do not risk sowing them in pellets. However, our main task is to return the seeds to Nature by scattering them, imitating the air that scatters them everywhere, especially in clay pellets, to protect them until they germinate. When these pioneering plants grow sufficiently, they will guide us in planting plants and trees from the nursery.

Joint effort for its creation.

This project of creating a “Nature Haven” needs funds and like-minded people involved, especially in the beginning. There will be workshops to get the know-how of such an endeavor and attunement to nature. Eventually, when individuals/families start living there benefitting from the ecosystem to the fullest, they will in turn show others how to reproduce it elsewhere. When people work harmoniously with each other and are in tune with nature, then they will be able to restore it to its original state.

Creating an experimental model, part of the Hrigaia Project.

If we have enough space, we can create a model for experimentation and expose it to the scrutiny of Quantum Biology and Quantum Physics* to prove many unusual points.  
*a new form of mysticism, which suggests the interconnectedness of all things and beings and the connection of our minds with a cosmic mind.
This will also be important if we are in a transitional stage of acquiring knowledge and attunement, not sure what we’re doing, and have to learn through trial and error.
Or we may just want to demonstrate to others the difference between this and other methods.
The tests involve soil analyses, to find out the Ph, the carbon/nitrogen ratio (ideally less than 20:1, the first is the structural tissue and the second the energy reserve), its content in organic matter, etc. as well as to check the nutrients of the fruits (vitamins, trace elements, etc.), as big in nature does not mean better. We will need laboratory-grade measuring instruments to be able to know exactly what is happening and to prove the validity of our method by also measuring the fruit, video, and recording everything we do, to get the complete picture.
The acquired area is divided into several experimental sectors to compare the various techniques of natural and regenerative agriculture and various ways of natural soil enrichment. Also in some lots, different people must do exactly the same things as the human factor plays a vital role in influencing the plants.
In the distant future (if the world situation permits it of course), these experimental ecosystems can be used as models for carrying out similar ventures around the world. They will include a training center and there will be an organization to support them. This is what the Hrigaia Project is all about. For it to succeed it needs your economic support and helping hands.
Through the awakening of our inner potential
we move toward the primal nature of all aspects of our lives
and develop an ”ethereal relationship” with the subtle energy of Nature,
reversing thus its downward course.
The secret behind success lies in the “freedom” that is our innate state.
Free from any influences that prevent us from operating “Naturally”,
everything follows its natural course, and nature returns to its original state.
May humanity be able to reverse its self-destructive course
and walk toward liberation from all its fetters.

About me: I have done many years of research and I spent twelve years immersed in the subtle world of Nature experimenting on seven different farms in Greece and Costa Rica combining various practices and techniques, of “natural farming” of Masanobu Fukuoka, vegan permaculture, the practices of many skilled gardeners, and experimenting with innovative natural additives to enrich the soil. The knowledge shared, starts from the very basic of the “¼ of an acre experiment” for the total self-sufficiency of a family and ends with the creation of the primary ecosystem done best through collective action.

Contact me for more details (especially about the Hrigaia Project):

Email: and
phone, Viber / WhatsApp: +306982156490 Yannis.
Soon, a list of all the appropriate plants and trees for the Balkan countries will appear here. It is the result of an extensive study by Dr. Schuller who through measuring with special instruments that he had invented, he made a list of plants that raise the vibration of the earth. Ask me for photos from the handwritten pages if you are in a hurry.


Part two

What went wrong?


What went wrong?
Some evidence of global degradation.
The story of the declining course of Nature.
Here’s what happened to the Amazon and other ecosystems:
Forceful acts towards nature.
Consequences of soil compaction.
How the fruit trees were lost from the ecosystems of the past.
Why nature is on a descending course.
The disadvantage of solid-roof greenhouses.
The role the animals play.
What can we do to prevent our plants from being affected by weeds and insects?
Nature does not function like humans competitively.
Insect attack.
Differences between this and other methods.
Polyculture is superior to monoculture.
Its superiority compared with other methods.
The superiority of natural mixed seeding.

What went wrong?

This article gives a clear picture of the unpleasant harsh reality of the degeneration of nature. It must be read after the main article on regeneration. In this way, by presenting first what can be done to reverse it, one can withstand reading it. It is important to realize what went wrong that is still happening and how it affects us so that we can take the right course of action to correct it. What went wrong is due to ignorance of the right way. You can’t cope with that, you enlighten it with knowledge. Supporting the creation of such an “ecosystem” moves in this direction.

Some evidence of global degradation.
The first destructive act against nature was the plow that people unknowingly consider necessary because at an initial glance they see great results, while in the long run, it does great damage. This is because man, having deviated from his original blueprint lost knowledge of himself and focused only on his material existence and everything revolving around it, ignoring the future effects of his actions. Plowing and even worse (rotor) tilling destroy the natural structure of the soil, after some time the soil is compressed, and thus without air the roots of the plants rot with anaerobic fermentation, and the fertile soil is eroded by the rain due to the destruction of its natural cohesion, the microbial life of the soil. The beneficial worms, etc. are killed, the precious nitrogen is exposed due to the turning of the soil evaporates, and all this gradually until the end, until complete destruction where not even a single weed can grow. This is also due to the accumulation of salt from the chemical fertilizers, which due to the destruction of the soil are necessary for the growth of the diseased plants that we eat, and the poisoning of soil life with agrochemicals. It has been observed that plowed soil erodes 13 to 40 times faster than the natural rate of erosion (which occurs in bare soil of course). Already 40% of the world’s agricultural land has been severely degraded (with 75% being quite degraded). The devastation is now so great, that if this continues at the current rate, soils will not be able to grow a single blade of grass in 30 to 60 years.
Also don’t think it is virgin land if it has been cultivated in the past, even if it was 100 years ago. The topsoil is the top layer of soil with the highest concentration of organic matter and microorganisms that provide vital nutrients to plant roots. This is what our ancestors have destroyed with repeated plowing. And as in temperate climates, it takes at least 100 years for 1 inch (2.5 cm) of fertile soil to form if we do not intervene, you can imagine how much work is needed to upgrade the soil quickly, even if it has not been cultivated for 100 years.
Here is an example: nothing can be done to reverse the destruction that continues to this day: An area in the Peruvian Amazon as large as Switzerland was funded by many countries to protect it from the untold destruction of farmers, loggers, and gold miners. So the army went to protect it, and after several losses, as they were shot by them hidden behind the trees, it left.
The devastation now continues at the same pace. As long as there are people on earth who destroy it in a million ways, the earth will end up cosmic dust in a nuclear holocaust. The same thing happens in the whole universe. Infinite planets are destroyed and infinite ones are created in the course of the friction of beings with matter. Nature is finite. See how many thousands of species have already been lost forever.
In the declining course after the ice age, the soil with the washing of trace elements from the rains gradually loses its fertility and the plants and trees become smaller, and more prone to disease until the earth is revived again in a glacial period. Along with the earth, we too followed a downward course, becoming more materialistic and selfish, losing touch with reality, nature, and the people around us. In addition, we are accelerating the degradation of nature due to wrong farming practices and destruction through fire, logging, etc.

The story of the declining course of Nature.
In the distant past, right after the Ice Age, lush nature was able to sustain humans without the need for agriculture, animal husbandry, logging, mining, etc. However, from a certain point onwards everything changed. People started following unconsciously the base impulses of the reptilian brain, their animalistic instincts without the knowledge of where these would lead them, and so they lost the paradise they were living in. Things got progressively worse, a gradual degradation for millennia in all aspects of life, including the natural environment ending up in the chaos we live in today.
Due to their decline, they had to face man-made and natural disasters, plus the fierce animals that previously lived peacefully with them. Thus, their fear of the wrath of Nature’s elements led them to overcrowd the cities to improve the adverse conditions. The next step was the destruction of Nature (through monocultures, logging, etc.) by the few for the sake of the many who lived in them. These few in their ignorance, when they cut down trees for timber, for convenience, chose the larger trees, the “souls” of the forest, and deforested them at the edges of the forest instead of selectively thinning out medium-sized trees throughout the forest. In addition, from the moment people started raising animals for consumption, they grazed them in the forests. The animals ate all the young trees, so there were no small ones to replace the big trees when they grew old and withered. Sometimes, in these dry dead forests or in the openings where there were many small dry branches from the trees that were cut, a fire was kindled by lightning. The blazing fire then dried the adjacent non-flammable forests, and after drying they burned. Then came the rains (which without trees became torrential), and without the trees to hold the fertile soil, they washed it away. Shepherds continued to graze their animals in the burned areas instead of others taking over planting trees. The small trees that sprouted were eaten, and then only hardy species like pines that goats do not prefer began to invade, and eventually, the primary ecosystem ended up becoming a meadow or a pine forest. The pine forests we admire today are the result of untold destruction. In Nature, it is unnatural for there to be only one species of tree or plant. Vast areas of great biodiversity forests have disappeared as a result of animal grazing, which would not have happened if people did not eat animals and their products. Shepherds do the same nowadays, and the Forest Department not only does nothing about it but also permits loggers to cut down large trees. They, together with the illegal loggers, and the destruction in our forests is untold. Unfortunately, in the University of Forestry, they do not study the things about ecosystems presented here. Old-growth forests are one of our best climate allies. By storing carbon, providing homes for wildlife, and defending communities from climate change (just to name a few), trees provide us with so much. These irreplaceable endangered old-growth forests are still being logged like there is no tomorrow. Nature is at the mercy of shepherds, loggers, and hunters and then the fire comes to finish off the destruction.
Since the advent of primary ecosystems, the Earth has undergone many realignments and changes. Perhaps the knowledge of how to regenerate these ecosystems has been lost due to natural disasters. Or perhaps, as man lived in them without realizing their value, there was no knowledge of how to restore them. After natural disasters, man, from being a fruit forager in a fertile ecosystem, ended up becoming a hunter, shepherd, or farmer. The immediate need for survival led him to choose this way, paying a dear price such as the gradual impoverishment of the soil and nutrient-poor food. Not only did shepherds and loggers spread destruction around, farmers too, by plowing destroyed the fertility of the soil of the former forest. So, after depleting it, in order to start with virgin soil again and repeat the process of depletion, he continued cutting the forest next to it. For the fertility to last a bit longer, he began using manure, crop rotation and leaving the field fallow, set aside every few years. Nevertheless, he simply slowed down the destruction. These practices have evolved into the destructive agricultural and technological applications of our time (agrochemicals, plowing, etc.). Not only do we face the destruction of Nature, but our health is also at risk from poisoned food. If we add all the other repetitive “mistakes” of our technological civilization, it is no wonder why we experience a complete degradation of our physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual condition.
Here’s what happened to the Amazon and other ecosystems:
There are hardly any ecosystems left on earth like the one described here, and these are missing the fruit trees with the enlivening exotic fruits of the very far past that sustained humans when their nourishment was more etheric. As humans degenerated and became more materialistic and started eating grains and animals, they did not care anymore for these exquisite trees and they perished.  So, there aren’t any so-called primary ecosystems anymore, that is, that have never been destroyed by humans or natural causes at any time in history.  Those in places like the Amazon, the Darien of Panama, and many other places where we believe that there are virgin primary forests/jungles, are the result of natural secondary forest regeneration over only a few centuries. Much of this re-growth occurred when the American Indians, due to European colonization, abandoned their fields and dramatically reduced their agricultural activities after being decimated by the colonialists. At that time, they applied better cultivation techniques. Huge areas of organic matter have been found in the jungle subsoil because they used biochar. Looking at the Amazon, it is obvious what passive restoration of secondary forests has achieved over the past 400 years. Again, of course, only the most durable species dominate, but in tropical regions, these are quite a lot. However, the original concentration of extinct species cannot be fully recovered, even after centuries of natural regeneration. Climate change, the grazing of herds of animals in forests, habitat fragmentation (creation of gaps in the intermediate zone), the loss of seed-distributing animals, and fires, act together and slow biodiversity recovery. Short-term ambitions, wrong tree planting * which is very costly and laborious, limited funding, and lack of knowledge, especially in developing countries, are serious obstacles to restoring forest biodiversity, and even more so given the devastation and burning by farmers, loggers, gold miners, and commercial mines.
* Planting one or only a few species, especially with flammable pines that burn repeatedly, also favors the provision of additional funds for repeated planting. And I think it is a well-known fact how much of this amount ends up for tree planting. It is imperative that we learn from these unfortunate events to reverse the destruction of the Earth that occurs ten times faster than its regeneration, to bring regenerative agriculture to another level to adopt some of the methods mentioned here, and even better to contribute to the regeneration of Nature in the way I propose here. Unfortunately, organic farming (which also destroys the soil if it is plowed) accounts for only 1.5% of the world’s cultivation, and the remaining 98.5% is destructive chemical farming, so we are still a long way off.

Bigger in nature does not mean better.
Therefore, we must not “force” plants to grow and produce more, because that way they become vulnerable to insects and diseases and undermines the quality of the product even if it is bigger in size.
“Forcing” is the plowing and tilling that releases a lot of nitrogen and therefore impoverishes the soil. If I explain all the damage they do, I will fill a page. It takes thousands of years for the earth to return to what it was before without our help. THE DISASTER IS UNSPEAKABLE AND INVISIBLE
“Forcing” is also unnatural manure, blood, or bone meal that are unbalanced fertilizers as they contain excessive amounts of nitrite/nitrates, etc., and cause diseases in plants and humans. No plant in Nature grows with manure. 
“Forcing” is the excessive irrigation to gain weight and volume without being healthy with the appropriate nutritional value. We must only irrigate when there is a sign of wilt in the leaves. For example, a tree that we feed and water too much to produce more and bigger fruit will be prone to disease and attract harmful insects. With a heat wave, its leaves wither, with the wind, its branches break, bio-energy and the necessary nutrients of its fruit are reduced, and instead of 200 years, it will live 50. Additionally, all groundwater contains salts that with too much irrigation accumulate in the soil and damage the plants. A lot of this water also contains some mineral or another in excess that create imbalances.

Consequences of soil compaction.
Apart from all these ways that the soil is destroyed, destruction also occurs when grazing animals step on it in the meadows, especially when it rains and the soil is wet. The soil is compacted even more when it is compressed by a tractor or a heavy vehicle, causing it to lose its porous and cohesive texture. Then, with torrential rain (rain becomes torrential due to the missing of our forests), it is compressed even more and as the rain can no longer be absorbed, the erosion of the soil begins, especially on the slopes. Millions of hectares have been destroyed this way. The most that will grow in the remaining subsoil are a few weeds and small shrubs. In the case of compaction, nature has the perfect solution for soil restoration. Wild, hardy, expansive plants sprout up that farmers hate (such as quack grass and its cousins), can very quickly cover the soil to protect it from the sun and enrich it with organic matter. As soon as a variety of plants we sow start growing, these grasses will vanish by themselves. Farmers use herbicides that kill the important microbial life in the soil.
Conclusion: Whatever we are and whatever we do, Nature will reflect it. If there is an imbalance outside, we must correct the imbalance inside and then we may find that the imbalance outside is corrected. This happens only if we have not made mistakes in the setting up of the primal ecosystem. If we did, then the imbalances are the effects of our mistakes. Then we would have to take the right course of action, learn from our mistakes and not keep repeating them until the end like the majority of humanity does. Unfortunately, there is plenty of evidence for what I am saying. If we do not learn from our mistakes, we cannot regenerate the “ecosystem”
From the point of view of technological progress, humanity is evolving to merge with a cyborg, the dream of most of the youth of our age. However, from another point of view, due to giving utmost importance to matter and technology, all virtues and qualities of the spirit are gradually being lost. What counts is the result. Is humanity becoming ever more profoundly happy? Is the earth becoming more ecologically stable and greener? Is it reviving from the destruction of our ancestors? Are billions of animals not suffering at the hands of humans? The answer is no. In addition, technology has made people believe that happiness depends on material things. That the earth’s purpose is to serve humans and it matters not if it is destroyed while serving us. Technology has already invented our future food grown in labs, so who cares?

How the fruit trees were lost from the ecosystems of the past.
The “endemic” species in today’s supposedly virgin forests are the hardy species that survived previous disasters. Some of the lost species are the delicate wild fruits that were very many in the past. Lost due to humans abandoning them, due to forest fires and the grazing of animals, and due to not being able to compete with the resistant species.
The trees with the most exquisite fruits and nuts were what sustained man in the past. The endemic trees of the lush ecosystems supported their existence. Man in the past had an awareness of his etheric nature and was nourished by the fruits and nuts living semi-etherically so to speak. At some point he lost this awareness, he became more materialistic and as a result, he needed more substantial food. This made him turn towards meat-eating and cereal cultivation, and in the process, he destroyed the endemic trees, the delicate fruit trees could not exist anymore. The fruit trees he cultivates now cannot sustain him fully. Only in tropical countries with rich soil, no agrochemicals, and 120 plus variety of fruits and nuts it is possible to live and beam with health. This has happened to me.
Here is an example of how else the delicate wild fruit trees vanished. In the square of the village Palaioi Poroi on Mount Olympus, there was a very rare, huge wild tree with delicious fruits. They cut it because its fruit, which no one ate, was soiling the square of the village! This is the mentality of the people who live in the countryside. Like another villager who was very proud that he killed a flock of very rare birds that lived in a ravine. Lesson to learn: Don’t care if humanity destroys this planet or not. Anyway, it has a transient nature. What counts is what you do, so do your best.

Why nature is on a descending course.
Man, due to having deviated greatly from his Original Blueprint, unconsciously acts in a destructive way harming Nature while he believes that what he is doing is good. The harm is not only direct, it is also indirect. For example, if in a country there are too many people engaging in sex in a domineering, brutal, and perverted way, there will be excessive heat and drought. A typical example of man’s impact on nature is as follows: Ethiopia, many years ago, was like paradise with a perfect climate, enough rain, and very lush vegetation with a great variety of fruit trees and edible plants. Some bandits killed some hermits that were living in caves on a mountain. They were maintaining the balance with their prayers. From that moment began a drought that lasted 10 years. Everything dried up and Ethiopia became the poorest country in the world.
According to Indian Vedic cosmology THROUGHOUT INFINITE TIME we pass through cycles of creation and dissolution. A small cycle has 4 yugas (smaller cycles) and now we are at the end of the fourth, the kali yuga, the Age of darkness where we have lost touch with our inner selves, an age of profound ignorance. We are going towards destruction to be succeeded by the next cycle, the Satya yuga, the golden age where Truth prevails. All this is happening on different planets too that also pass through cycles of creation and destruction.
A very important concept that we rarely use and most don’t know is the concept of the egregore. When two or more (up to billions) persons project their similar thoughts, beliefs, and actions (positive or negative), in the morphogenetic field, an entity is created called egregore. People’s unmeritorious acts create negative egregore entities and people’s meritorious acts create positive egregore entities. In our times the negative ones are predominant, affecting also the weather patterns and the rest of the natural world, and even sensitive people who do not have strong positive personalities. This is one of the reasons why the earth is on a descending course. Unless this is reversed, we are heading toward total destruction. It does not appear on the horizon that there will be a change for some time. There is also not enough geomagnetic energy on earth to fully support the primal ecosystem in full due to the upcoming magnetic pole reversal.
I know all this and more, and I also know the transitory nature of everything, including ourselves, but I do what I can to make the primal ecosystem a training ground for those who wish to re-establish a connection with their inner selves, and manifest this connection to nature regenerating thus the primary ecosystem.

The disadvantage of solid-roof greenhouses.
There are about 3 million hectares of solid-roof greenhouses worldwide. They all produce sick plants. Plant bio-energy is undermined, photosynthesis is impaired and plants do not have the vitamins and minerals they should because plastic sheets and glass prevent the full spectrum of sunlight from reaching them. This is very serious, especially when it has to do with important supplements like spirulina which is almost pure chlorophyll. Luckily there are still places where they grow spirulina and other superfoods in the open air. Only a greenhouse with a movable roof is acceptable which opens during the day to allow the plants to receive direct sunlight.

The role the animals play.
Wild animals are an integral part of Nature, as flora and fauna complement each other. They play a vital role in the ecosystem. If we include domesticated animals we will bring imbalance. Especially grazing animals, degrade the soil as they need pastures and not trees. Moreover, we do not want to kill them. People have the wrong belief that because animals don’t hurt when they are killed as slaughterhouses use painless methods, it is okay to kill them. As they themselves are soulless, they believe that even animals do not have souls either that feel terrible panic and infinite pain in their spirit from the horrible shock of premature separation from their bodies. If the killing happens within the ecosystem, it sends distress signals to the plants and animals around. Even if we have them for dairy and eggs, to keep them they require ten times more space and if we don’t kill them, they will rapidly multiply beyond the sustaining capacity of the ecosystem. As our omnivorous humanity needs ten times more space to feed itself (one hectare instead of one-tenth for a family) than those on a plant-based diet, there is not enough land for all of us, so the earth’s population will face extinction as a race unless the world goes back to a plant-based diet or…probably it’s easier to adapt to eating food made in a lab and eating insects! Hail to technological progress!
As we aim for an excellent balance for humans, plants, and wildlife, carnivorous pets (hunting wild animals) and destructive domestic animals (goats, etc.) are not compatible with οur “ecosystem”. We don’t live in an ice age now where we have to survive by eating animals. Now in a world of abundance, killing them and eating their flesh excites our animal instincts, we become more corporeal, and their animal elements “stick” onto our etheric body and break our harmonious interaction with Nature. Here you will find a very informative article on meat eating. Use google translate:–SbnyM6J6pY4tsHwGQ7XBI30cCVVs4X1dh08uJ-WD_DjHEgQ
Will I get nutrients without eating meat? The article above answers this question. The only thing that we don’t get from plants is the energy of the killed animal that had its life sacrificed for us. But this lack is replaced by something much better which is the etheric emanation of the animal kingdom which invisibly enriches our subtle etheric energy and provides us with a sense of deep fullness and that is why wild animals feel it and approach us fearlessly. Also because of our abstinence from eating animals and their products, our coordination with the etheric forces of nature improves. As a result, the innate function of biological transmutation that allows us to transmute nutrients into what we need is also improved.
If after some time we notice that certain wild animals that would bring balance to our ecosystem are missing, we bring them from elsewhere.

What can we do to prevent our plants from being affected by weeds and insects?
It is very important to start on virgin soil whose bio-energy has never been disturbed and the trees and bushes have not been removed as this in itself degrade the soil.
When we disturb the balance of nature, we stimulate its survival reaction resulting in an endless battle where we manage to prevail by force and with a lot of effort, but the price is eating poisoned or nutrient-deficient food. So if we start the battle with nature by digging the soil, after some years of intensive chemical cultivation (or some more years for organic if the plow is used), nature will be defeated where not a single weed will grow, but we will also be defeated since our plants will not grow either. This is not speculation, it has happened on millions of acres.
This is how the natural world works: When hunters kill a lot of a particular species of animal, it goes into survival mode and multiplies like crazy. In the same way, when the soil’s bio-energy is disturbed by plowing or rotor-tilling, the weeds grow stronger and stronger, and as we have disturbed and degraded the soil and use seeds of weak plants that generation after generation, for hundreds of years, they have been overprotected, over-watered and over-fertilized, even the organic ones, then what do you expect?
Even the seeds of seed banks worldwide are of poor quality. After plowing, we continue the violence to suppress nature’s reaction by destroying weeds in various ways, believing erroneously, like the fear of snakes, that they are stealing soil substances from our plants, while these are like animals that multiply excessively due to our violence against nature.
The solution is, at the beginning with the first sowing of susceptible vegetables and plants, to apply some clever techniques, until the plants and trees of the third generation (having returned to their ancestral form), adapt with the rest and become endemic. Then they will produce fruits etc. of excellent quality and will no longer be bothered by weeds. All of them, our plants, and the weeds will grow harmoniously together.
Different kinds of weeds grow depending on what is missing from the soil and their purpose is to restore balance and fertility. For instance, quack grass and its cousins (pasture-like creeping plants) grow to loosen the soil after it is plowed and rotor-tilled and consequently compacted by the rains due to having lost its natural structure. Artificial aeration with plowing or rotor-tilling lasts until rain makes it a hardpan, and then for the next 30 to 60 years having to plow again and again until its total destruction with lots of salts from artificial fertilizers, poisons, and zero organic matter. Welcome to the laboratory food!!!

Nature does not function like humans competitively.
Nature follows certain laws. Observe a tree’s branches and roots that are spread uniformly without being entangled with each other. This happens to trees and plants that grow without human intervention. The same applies to the roots of many different species that grow next to each other. There is always enough space for each leaving enough soil around it. Even if roots entangle, they do not touch each other and do not “steal” substances from each other. Instead, they help one another, as long as they are all part of a harmonious ecosystem of great biodiversity.
So, for our vulnerable plants in the beginning, before they become resistant in their third generation, one way is, instead of sowing them in pellets, we start them first in a nursery and then transplant them. On their final spot to help them to have a good start, we can cut or uproot (depending) the weeds around them to avoid too much shade. Even if weeds come up again, they will not harm our plants because they will be tall enough to cope with them.
If we have not formed paths, and the weeds, (or the ones we plant to create organic matter) are so tall that we cannot walk and prevent us from sowing the next crop, instead of cutting them, we can make a tool, a roller-crimper a closed cylinder that we fill with water to increase the weight and by pulling it, as it rolls, it flattens the plants and tilts them. The tall ones with tough stems will not stand up again.

Insect attack.
In Nature when the seeds of wild plants fall on poor soil or if the plants are sick due to wrong cultivation practices, then harmful insects arrive to kill them. These are in fact very beneficial because their job is to eliminate in Nature anything that for some reason is not a strong plant to secure that their offspring are strong and healthy. See: “Why Insects Do Not Attack (and Cannot) Attack Healthy Plants”

Differences between this and other methods.

Polyculture is superior to monoculture.
In untouched Nature, there are no forests with only one or a few species of trees. In a degraded environment, in damaged soil, nothing can grow but very hardy species such as pines and meadow grasses.
A pine forest is not natural.
It is the result of the destruction of nature hundreds or thousands of years ago. In soils where the forest has burned, we should first sow seeds/pellets of resistant species that add organic matter and enrich the soil and finally sow more delicate species.
In the process of imitating Nature, we do not plant a single species. We do not make monocultures or only a few kinds together or plants in groups like planting only vegetables. Vegetables should have enough sun but also have other plants around them (shrubs and trees) to be fully protected. Plants that are all mixed have better health, and durability, live longer and have many more vitamins and trace elements. If we are afraid to plant everything mixed up, we must at least apply polyculture to a certain extent, for instance, do what the American Indians did in the past, plant corn with beans that climb on the corn, and squash that keeps down the weeds.
Eliminating the native trees and using poisons, traps, and tricks so that birds will not eat the fruits is the conventional way of farming. When wild fruit trees and all wild plants blend harmoniously with conventional ones, this brings great balance and there is no competition as one might think. There are other advantages too. For example, if there were trees with endemic fruits that are the preferred natural food of birds, they would not eat our fruits.
Wild trees grow without watering, manure, animal products (manure, bone meal, and blood), chemical fertilizers, and sprays. Conventional ones can grow in the same way and when we mix them with the wild ones they grow quite well without needing extra care due to attunement and communication with the wild ones through their roots and not only.

Its superiority compared with other methods.
The fertility of the soil in such an ecosystem increases year by year, unlike other methods, even the organic when it uses plowing and rototilling. With these, the soil is degraded (it just takes longer for the organic) even when the land is left fallow. This is evidenced even by the organic farmers themselves, a conclusion they draw from decades of experience. The only ones that come close to regenerating Nature are the new, lesser-known forms of agroecology, which is regenerative agroforestry, a method that combines trees with plants (and sometimes domestic animals), regenerative agriculture, which has spread widely in America, and earth therapy
These mimic natural processes a bit more, and they are a good direction for the average farmer, but what is presented here is quite different. They focus on humans and I focus on Nature. For them monoculture with two three kinds is okay with just a bit of biodiversity that mostly serves the interests of farmers who would find my system too much to follow, missing especially the “natural instinct” that is of outmost importance in my system. All innovative crops that produce monocultures, a single crop of vegetables or cereals, etc., or in pots or hydroponics, do not take into account the geomagnetic influences, plant bio-energy, and other factors that are particularly present in an “Ecosystem” such as described here. This energy factor is very necessary for our health.
All man-made solutions are at a disadvantage and cannot function sustainably and in the long run. We, humans, are brilliant at presenting the false as true, and worst of all, our ego does not allow us to admit it when it is revealed to us. We use our minds with false evidence without looking at all the factors since most of the conventional science (as quantum has not yet been established) is incomplete. We can show that everything works well in our own way, but of course, we never show what will happen in the future when adverse conditions arise and what will happen after decades. We take advantage of the fact that changes in Nature are very slow. If conventional scientific knowledge is used to create this primary ecosystem it will fail somewhere, it will have short-term results, it will not be durable enough, it will only be pleasing to the eyes, etc. This is because it does not take into account many essential factors invisible to the limited human mind. The secrets of Nature can neither now nor will they ever be deciphered by our minds. As much as fresh cane juice differs from white sugar, natural regeneration differs from human inventions.
Bottom line: the more we act motivated by set guidelines and unilateral mental knowledge, the less success we will have in creating a self-sustaining ecosystem of great biodiversity.

The superiority of natural mixed seeding.
In organic gardening, they practice companion planting (this goes next to that and not next to the other), crop rotation (succession of plants that absorb a lot of substances from the soil with crops that replenish nutrients), mixing low plants with tall ones, and other tricks that require extensive knowledge. The method of regeneration by sowing seeds of a wide variety of plants, allows nature to decide what will grow and where, and if the elemental energy is not lacking and is enhanced by our free state reflected in nature, the result will be a very harmonious ecosystem where the plants that will grow, will cooperate instead of competing with each other. Hard to believe, but it is true.
In summary, a wide variety of plants/vegetables of different heights, growth rates, and root depths, the heavy feeders and soil-improving crops, planted with the seed/pellet method, will all grow well together, mixed up, in harmony with Nature’s wisdom that human knowledge cannot reach. Our task is just to enrich the soil and sow a wide variety of plants.

Hrigaia Project